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February 22, 1988
BCAB #943
Re: Bathtub Waste Pipe, Article 4.8.2., B.C. Plumbing Code
With reference to your letter of September 15, 1987, regarding what is indicated as Exhibit #3 in your submission. In answer to the questions raised:
1. Article 4.8.2. of the B.C. Plumbing Code permits a maximum developed length from the pipe from the waste opening of the bath to the trap. If the 900 mm shown on your diagram is the actual developed length, then it complies with Article 4.8.2.
2. While the actual trap used may not normally be regarded as a running trap, we consider that the installation shown clearly places it in that category.
3. Yes, Sentence 4.7.1.(2) would apply to the trap in this situation.
J.C. Currie, Chair