BCAB #935 - Mineral Fibre Insulation, Section 9.26

Last updated on March 24, 2016

October 27, 1987

BCAB #935

Re: Mineral Fibre Insulation, Section 9.26

With reference to your letter of August 5, 1987 regarding the fluffing of loose-fill thermal insulation.

The Code does not contain specific requirements for the thicknesses of thermal insulation, only the very general performance provision in Article In practice this is considerably exceeded by most installations. To provide this very limited control of heat loss Subsection 9.26.4. deals with installation, and Article requires placement of insulation to ensure a reasonably uniform insulating value.

Article deals with materials, and references the various standards for thermal insulation, including CSA A101, for mineral fibre insulation. This, as you indicate, includes recommendations to ensure adequacy of quantity to achieve specific thermal values.

The Board is unable to support the contention that the recommendations in the standard for installation should be enforced under the Building Code. The Code responsibilities in this respect are contained in Subsection 9.26.4. Beyond this we consider that the installation should be to the satisfaction of the owner. If specific thermal values are claimed and these are in doubt, then the owner may wish to use the provisions in CSA A101 for confirmation, but this is not a responsibility of a building official enforcing the Building Code.

J.C. Currie, Chair