BCAB #764 - Sturdi-Wood Panel Boards, Sections 9.23, 9.28, 9.30 & 9.31

Last updated on March 24, 2016

June 27, 1984

BCAB #764

Re: Sturdi-Wood Panel Boards, Sections 9.23, 9.28, 9.30 & 9.31

With reference to your letter of April 24, 1984, regarding acceptance of your panel board under the B.C. Building Code. We note that a standard for this type of material is under preparation by the Canadian Standards Association.

Based on the test data and other information submitted, the Board considers that "Sturdi-Wood" panels are acceptable, as equivalents to plywood for some purposes, under the B.C. Building Code.

We accept that the material provides equivalent performance, at the same thickness as plywood, under Subsections 9.23.14., 9.23.15., 9.23.16., 9.28.9., 9.30.9., and 9.31.2. Installation shall be as required for plywood.