BCAB #1747 - Basement Storage Garage considered a separate building, Article

Last updated on March 24, 2016

June 19, 2014

BCAB #1747

Re: Basement Storage Garage considered a separate building, Article

Project Description

The project consists of 4 buildings separated by firewalls and constructed over a basement storage garage. The storage garage is a basement and is separated from all the buildings above by a 2 hour noncombustible fire separation and considered a separate building under Article 3.2.1..2. Due to site grading conditions three of the buildings will have their first storey on top of the basement storage garage but one of the buildings, Building 1, will have a basement immediately above the storage garage and then its first storey above that.

Reason for Appeal

Article permits a basement used primarily as a storage garage to be considered a separate building for the purposes of Subsection 3.2.2. provided it is separated from the building(s) above by a 2 hour noncombustible fire separation. In question is the basement level of Building 1 immediately above the basement storage garage.

Appellant's Position

The appellant contends that there is no requirement in Article that restricts a building above a basement storage garage considered a separate building from having its own basement.

Building Official's Position

The building official maintains Article is intended to apply to all levels of the basement and cannot apply only to the level of the basement used as a storage garage. The building official contends it is the intent of Article to divide the building into an above ground portion and a below ground portion. The building official also notes that the definition of basement refers to the storey or storeys below the first storey and is therefore intended to encompass the entire basement, including the basement level of Building 1 immediately above the storage garage.

Appeal Board Decision #1747

It is the determination of the Board that where Article is applied to basement levels that are used primarily as a storage garage, the basement becomes independent of the building(s) above. Article should be applied prior to determining other Code provisions for the building similar to buildings on either side of a firewall. Article does not preclude buildings above the basement storage garage building from having basements.

Lyle Kuhnert, Chair