December 15, 2011
BCAB #1706
Re: Articles and - Minimum number of water closets required where more than one universal toilet room is provided
Project Description
The project is a mercantile occupancy with an occupant load of 290 persons.
Reason for Appeal
A universal toilet room is required by Sentence
Appellant's Position
The appellant contends that the number of water closets is determined by Sentence and that where more than one universal toilet room is provided, Sentences and (3) do not apply. The total number of water closets required is two.
Building Official's Position
The building official maintains that the universal toilet room required by clause is a requirement over and above the requirements of Article Sentence and (3) are applicable, and where more than 1 universal toilet room is provided, additional universal toilet rooms can be counted fully toward the minimum number of water closets required by Sentence The total number of water closets required is three.
The second universal toilet room would have to be designated as either a male or female washroom in order to meet the requirement in An additional washroom is needed to be designated for the other sex not designated by the second universal washroom.
Further, as the occupant load is 290 persons, Clause would also apply to the separate male and female washrooms for accessibility as the public occupant load would be over 150 persons.
Appeal Board Decision #1706
It is the determination of the Board that providing the two required water closets in separate universal toilet rooms meets the requirements of Article and Article
George Humphrey, Chair