December 15, 2011
BCAB #1705
Re: Minimum Corridor Width in Care Occupancies, Sentence
Project Description
The project is an existing 4 storey building of residential occupancy that is proposed to contain a care occupancy in the first 2 storeys.
Reason for Appeal
Within the care occupancy, there is a corridor that is used for patient transport.
Appellant's Position
The appellant contends that the patients will not be moved in beds, and only in rare circumstances in stretchers, therefore the requirements of Sentence do not apply.
Building Official's Position
The building official maintains that a stretcher is to be considered a bed and therefore the requirements of Sentence apply. Further, when patients are moved in stretchers or beds, Sentence requires a clear doorway width of 1050 mm, which has not been provided.
Appeal Board Decision #1705
The health profile of the occupants (in care) requires that it may be necessary to move the occupants in beds. Therefore it is the determination of the Board that in accordance with Sentence, the corridors in question must be not less than 2400 mm wide. Further, the clear doorway width must be not less than 1050mm in accordance with Sentence
George Humphrey, Chair