BCAB #1671 - Roofed Exterior Deck, Article

Last updated on March 24, 2016

May 13, 2010

BCAB #1671

Re: Roofed Exterior Deck, Article

Project Description
The project in question is an exterior deck attached to a single family dwelling. The space below the deck is open to the exterior and the entire deck is covered by a roof structure with roofing material conforming to Subsection 9.26.2.

Reason for Appeal
Article requires in Sentence (1) that roofs be “protected with roofing . . . installed to shed rain effectively . . .” and clarifies in Sentence (2) that “platforms that effectively serve as roofs with respect to the accumulation or drainage of precipitation” are to be considered as roofs for the purposes of Sentence (1).

Appellant’s Position
The appellant contends that the deck surface is not a roof as intended by Sentence because it is already covered by a roof which protects it from accumulation of precipitation. Therefore the deck surface should not need to be protected with a roofing material conforming to one of the standards in Article

Building Official's Position
The building official maintains that the deck does serve as a roof with respect to the accumulation or drainage of precipitation and in accordance with Sentence must be covered by a roofing material conforming to one of the appropriate standards in Article

Appeal Board Decision #1671
It is the determination of the Board that a deck covered by a roof structure above the deck is not a roof or a platform that effectively serves as a roof.

George Humphrey, Chair