BCAB #1660 - Application of 2006 BCB to a existing building, Article Division A

Last updated on March 24, 2016

June 17, 2009

BCAB #1660

Re: Application of 2006 BCB to a existing building, Article Division A

Project Description
The subject is a single storey building, approximately 2650 m2 in building area, and classified as Group F, Division 2. The building is presently divided into two suites by a fire separation with a two hour fire resistance rating, one suite having with an area of 940 m2, the other 1719 m2. It is proposed to subdivide the 1719 m2 area by creating an additional three suites of 279 m2 each. The proposed occupancy of all areas in the building will be Group F, Division 2.

Reason for Appeal
Clause indicates the Code applies to an alteration of the any building.

Appellant’s Position
The appellant contends the application of the Code should be limited to the construction of the alteration only. Those areas of the building which are not being altered should not be subject to existing Code provisions.

Building Official's Position
The Building Official’s contends that the proposed alteration is a substantial change to the building, and is requesting the complete building be equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system.

Appeal Board Decision #1660
It is the determination of the Board that the British Columbia Building Code 2006 would only apply to the proposed alteration and not to the remainder of the building. This alteration would not invoke the upgrading of the building to current Code requirements, including the requirement for sprinklering.

George Humphrey, Chair