BCAB #1658 - Stair dimensions for handrails, Sentence

Last updated on March 24, 2016

May 28, 2009

BCAB #1658

Re: Stair dimensions for handrails, Sentence

Project Description
The subject is a stairway.

Reason for Appeal
Sentence requires handrails on both sides of a stairway which is 1 100 mm or more in width.

Sentence indicates that where a building is altered or repaired, the building performance shall not be decreased below a level that already exists.

Appellant’s Position
The appellant contends the width of the stairway can be measured from the handrail and not from the wall which it is attached, as the portion of the stairway below the handrail is not usable.

Building Official's Position
The Building Official’s contends the width of the stairway should be measured from the ends of the stair tread, i.e. the width of the stair tread.

Appeal Board Decision #1658
It is the determination of the Board that the width of a stair is measured as the width of the stair tread. Therefore, the stairway(s) in question would require a handrail on both sides.

George Humphrey, Chair