BCAB #1648 - Occupancy Classification, Bulk Tire Storage, Sentence

Last updated on March 24, 2016

June 24, 2008

BCAB #1648

Re: Occupancy Classification, Bulk Tire Storage, Sentence

Project Description

The subject building is a one storey (in building height) tire storage warehouse, having a building area of 10,237 m2, with 9,414m2 of bulk tire storage. Additional tire storage is proposed on the open mezzanine on the levels, totaling 1,678 m2.

Reason for Appeal

Sentence 3.2.1.(1) requires every building to be classified according to its major occupancy. The Code defines a High-hazard industrial occupancy (Group F Division 1) as containing sufficient quantities of highly combustible and flammable or explosive materials which because of their inherent characteristics constitute a special fire hazard.

Appellant’s Position

The appellant contends the subject building’s occupancy should be classified as a Medium hazard industrial occupancy (Group F Division 2). This is based on the decision of a previous appeal, BCAB #1507 (May 2000), and that the new 2006 BCBC Appendix note was primarily of an editorial nature.

Building Official's Position

 The Building Official contends the building’s occupancy should be classified as a High hazard industrial occupancy (Group F Division 1). This is based on Appendix note A- which suggests rubber tires pose a fire hazard due to their properties which constitutes a special fire hazard.

Appeal Board Decision #1648

It is the determination of the Board the occupancy classification of the subject building is Medium hazard industrial occupancy (F2) with the hazards of indoor storage covered by NFPA standards and the BC Fire Code. It is the opinion of the Board that in this case the manner in which the tires are stored handled or used does not constitute a hazardous substance as described in Appendix A-

George Humphrey, Chair