BCAB #1644 - Major Occupancy Classifications, Winery, Restaurant, Grappa Production, Sentence

Last updated on March 24, 2016

March 19, 2008

BCAB #1644

Re: Major Occupancy Classifications, Winery, Restaurant, Grappa Production, Sentence

Project Description

An existing building includes a wine production area, restaurant, tasting area, sales area and administration. The occupancy classifications are Assembly Group A, Division 2, and Industrial Group F, Division 3. Both are considered to be major occupancies.

It is proposed to include a distillery process to produce Grappa in a 37 m2 room constructed at the exterior of the existing building. The room will be separated from the remainder of the building by construction having a 2h fire resistance rating. The three exterior sides will be glazed for viewing the process from the exterior.

The still will operate seasonally, utilizing grapes grown on site. Annual production is expected to be 3000 liters.

The primary purpose of the distillery operation is the showing of the still and the tasting of the product for winery visitors.

Reason for Appeal

Sentence requires every building or part thereof to be classified according to its major occupancy. The Code defines the term major occupancy as the principal occupancy for which a building or part thereof is used or intended to be used, and shall be deemed to include the subsidiary occupancies which are an integral part of the principal occupancy.

Appellant’s Position

The appellant considers the distillery process to produce grappa be considered a subsidiary occupancy of the wine production Group F, Division 3.

Building Official's Position

 The Building Official contends the distillery process to produce grappa should be considered to be a Group F Division 1 major occupancy.

Appeal Board Decision #1644

It is the determination of the Board that this distillery process is a subsidiary occupancy

George Humphrey, Chair