BCAB #1596 - Standpipe System Design, Sentence

Last updated on March 24, 2016

January 21, 2004

BCAB #1596

Re: Standpipe System Design, Sentence

Project Description

The subject building is a mixed use residential / mercantile building, 1900 square meters in building area, and 10 stories in building height. Article requires that a standpipe system be installed in the building. The building is sprinklered throughout. The water supply at the base of the riser is capable of meeting, without a fire pump, the design flow rate, and pressure demand of the sprinkler system including inside and outside hose allowance. The residual water pressure at the topmost hose connection of the standpipe system is less than 690 kPa.

Reason for Appeal

Clause allows the residual water pressure at the design flow rate at the topmost hose connection of the standpipe system to be less than 690 kPa provided fire protection equipment is available to deliver, by means of a fire department connection, the full demand flow rate at a residual water pressure of 690 kPa. The fire department has at least four pumper trucks capable of meeting this requirement.

 Appellant’s Position

The appellant considers the fire protection equipment is available through a full time paid fire service with three main fire halls and three auxiliary stations with a number of pumper trucks. The subject building is within 6 blocks of a fire hall.

Building Official's Position

The Building / Fire Officials indicate that based on the local fire department operating procedures, there may be delays in providing the required water pressure by fire department equipment. Therefore, they require an onsite fire pump be provided.

Appeal Board Decision #1596

The Board considers the term “available” to mean having the capability of a Fire Department to provide the additional water supply as stated in Clause  The Board notes the Code does not specify a response time for the Fire Department to deploy its pumper apparatus.  Therefore it is the determination of the Board that an on site fire pump is not a requirement for this building.

George Humphrey, Chair