November 7, 2003
BCAB #1590
Re: Accessible Baths or Showers, Sentence
Project Description
The subject premise is a fitness center exclusively for women. The occupancy classification is Group A, Division 2 and the use is considered to be a “Club, Non – Residential”. The facility has two washrooms with adequate space for a shower room.
Reason for Appeal
Sentence (1) states: “In non-residential clubs, access shall be provided to every type of membership facility, and at least one bath or shower, conforming to Sentence or (11), where one or more baths or showers are provided.”
Appellant’s Position
The appellant contends the Code does not require a bath or shower be provided in the facility, but rather it is an optional decision of the owner. In this circumstance, the owner does not want a bath or shower as it would increase cleaning and maintenance costs.
Building Official's Position
It is the opinion of the Building Official that Sentence implies a bath or shower is required in non-residential clubs.
Appeal Board Decision #1590
It is the determination of the Board that a bath or shower is not a requirement.
George Humphrey, Chair