August 20, 2003
BCAB #1588
Re: Storage Garage Separation, Sentence
Project Description
The subject is a three story apartment building built under Part 3 of the Building Code. The structure incorporates an underground storage garage, considered to be a separate building, as permitted by Article Within the garage, individual owned storage compartments/lockers (approx.2.5m X 3.0m) are located at the front of each parking space. The walls of each locker have a one hour fire resistance rating. The parking garage is sprinklered, including each storage compartment.
Reason for Appeal
Sentence states a storage garage shall be separated from other occupancies by a fire separation with a fire resistance rating not less than 1.5 hours.
Appellant’s Position
The appellant contends the storage lockers are part of the parking stall and should be considered the same occupancy as the storage garage.
Building Official's Position
The Building Official contends the storage lockers are a different occupancy than the storage garage and must be separated from the storage garage by a fire separation with a fire resistance rating of 1.5 hours.
Appeal Board Decision #1588
It is the determination of the Board that a fire separation with a minimum fire resistance rating of 1.5 hours is required between the parking garage and the storage lockers.
This determination is consistent with the previous decisions of Appeals #1411 and #1457.
George Humphrey, Chair