March 18, 2002
BCAB #1563
Re: Sliding Doors, Sentence
Project Description
A medical office suite, (approx.120 m2 ) includes two "examination" type rooms of approximately 10 m2 . Each examination room utilizes a sliding pocket egress door which does not swing on a vertical axis.
Reason for Appeal
Article has specific limitations for the use of sliding doors used as egress.
Sentence and its Appendix note states careful judgment must be use in applying requirements to alterations of existing buildings.
Appellant’s Position
The appellant contends the "examination" rooms which incorporate the pocket sliding doors are not part of the renovation project and therefore need not be changed. The level of safety of egress from these rooms are not being compromised or lowered.
Building Official's Position
Modifications are proposed to other parts of the suite and the Building Official has requested that egress from the examination room(s) be upgraded to current Code requirements.
Appeal Board Decision #1563
It is the determination of the Board that Sentence does not apply to doors within a suite. Therefore, the doors in question are not required to swing on a vertical axis.
George Humphrey, Chair