October 17, 2001
BCAB #1556
Re: Tempered Glass near Exterior Door Locks, Article
Project Description
The project is a dwelling unit, which has a window directly adjacent an exterior door. The window is within 900 mm of the door lock.
Reason for Appeal
An Appendix note to Article, Application, Resistance to Forced Entry, indicates that there is no mandatory requirement that special glass be used in doors or sidelights, primarily because of cost. The note also states a common method of forced entry is to break glass in doors and sidelights to gain access to door hardware and unlock the door from the inside. Consideration should be given to using laminated glazing in doors and accompanying sidelights regulated by Article and in windows located within 900 mm of locks in such doors.
Appellant’s Position
The appellant contends the Appendix note clearly states there is no mandatory requirement for the use of tempered glass in windows adjacent exterior doors.
Building Official’s Position
The Building Official considers the Appendix note supports the request for tempered glass in windows within 900 mm of locks in exterior doors.
Appeal Board Decision #1556
Provided the window is not within the scope of Article, it is the determination of the Board that laminated glazing in this location is not a requirement of the Code.
George Humphrey, Chair