BCAB #1543 - Vertical Service Space, Sentence BCBC 1992

Last updated on March 24, 2016

August 15, 2001

BCAB #1543

Re: Vertical Service Space, Sentence BCBC 1992

Project Description

The subject building is a hospital of 5 storeys in building height and approximately 9000 m2 in building area. There are a number of air handling ducts that are in an enclosure which is located at the exterior wall. The underside of the duct enclosure does not have a fire-resistance rating.

Reason for Appeal

Sentence (1992 BCBC) requires every vertical service space that does not extend to the bottom of the building shall be enclosed at the lowest level with construction having a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the service space walls.

Appellant's Position

The appellant contends the enclosure is not a vertical service space, but rather an enclosure for the ducts, which is attached to the exterior wall of the building. As the ducts penetrate the exterior wall into the enclosure, a fire damper has been provided.

Building Official's Position

The Building Official contends the enclosure is a vertical service space located within the building, and therefore the requirements of are applicable.

Appeal Board Decision #1543

The Board considers the shaft areas in question to be within the building and are therefore service spaces requiring compliance with Sentence

George Humphrey, Chair