BCAB #1539 - Occupancy Classification, Articles &

Last updated on March 24, 2016

July 25, 2001

BCAB #1539

Re: Occupancy Classification, Articles &

Project Description

The building in question is two storeys in building height, 254 m2 in area and used as a firehall. The first storey consists of three fire truck bays, storage area, electrical and washroom. The upper floor, approximately 158 m2, is proposed to include an exercise area, lounge, furnace room and washroom. Access to this building is restricted to fire personnel only. Firemen’s social functions are held in an adjacent building, which also contains the fire department’s meeting room, administrative office, library, kitchen and washroom.

Reason for Appeal

Article States every building or part thereof shall be classified as to its major occupancy. Subclause requires access for persons with disabilities to an assembly occupancy of more than 100 square metres.

Appellant's Position

The appellant contends an Assembly (A2) occupancy classification is not appropriate for the second floor area, particularly as this would invoke requirements for persons with disabilities.

Building Official's Position

The Building Official is classifying the second floor area an Assembly occupancy and therefore must comply with all applicable Code requirements including accessibility for persons with disabilities.

Appeal Board Decision #1539

It is the determination of the Board that that the second floor is a Group A Division 2 assembly occupancy.

George Humphrey, Chair