BCAB #1536 - Climbability of Guards, Sentence

Last updated on March 24, 2016

May 23, 2001

BCAB #1536

Re: Climbability of Guards, Sentence

Project Description

The subject building is a multi storey secondary school. Required guards within the school are designed so that they are canted inward (towards the occupant) 78 degrees from the floor. The top horizontal rail of the guard is further offset so that it is at least 250mm closer to the occupant than at the guard base at floor level. Additionally the guard is comprised of 8 additional horizontal bars spaced with 100 mm openings

Reason for Appeal

Sentence states unless it can be shown that the location and size of openings do not present a hazard, a guard shall be designed so that no member or opening located between 140 mm and 900 mm above the level being protected by the guard will facilitate climbing.

Appellant's Position

The appellant contends that the canting of the guard towards the occupant and the location of the top rail makes the rail extremely difficult to climb. Similar guard designs have been incorporated in other secondary schools without incident.

Building Official's Position

The Building Official considers the location of this guard in an assembly occupancy and its design that facilitates climbing to be a safety hazard.

Appeal Board Decision #1536

The Board considers that the design of this guard facilitates climbing and it has not been shown to the satisfaction of the Board that the location and size of openings do not present a hazard.

George Humphrey, Chair