April 23, 2001
BCAB #1533
Re: NFPA 96, Commercial Cooking Producing Grease Laden Vapours, Sentence and Sentence
Project Description
The project in question is a two storey building containing banquet facilities for 200 persons. The banquet area incorporates a servery kitchen with two domestic ranges, two refrigerators and two kitchen sinks. The banquet facility is intended to be leased out for service club banquets and similar functions, with the food for the functions prepared off-site by caterers. The domestic ranges in the servery are intended to be used only for re-heating/warming of prepared foods.
Reason for Appeal
Sentence and Sentence requires cooking equipment not within a dwelling unit which produces grease laden vapours be provided with a ventilation system conforming to NFPA 96 " Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations."
Appellant's Position
The appellant contends there is no cooking of food on the premise which create grease laden vapours. The food served is cooked off-site by caters and the re-heating in or on domestic type ranges will not create grease laden vapours. This negates the need for a ventilation system complying with NFPA 96.
Building Official's Position
The Building Official considers rental of the banquet facility a commercial operation, and therefore the servery kitchen requires a ventilation system complying with NFPA 96.
Appeal Board Decision #1533
Based on the proposed use of the "cooking facilities" only for the re-heating of pre-cooked foods, it is the determination of the Board that the ventilation equipment need not comply with NFPA 96. In arriving at it decision the Board considered Appendix note A- which indicates that equipment used primarily for reheating food prepared elsewhere need not comply with this standard.
George Humphrey, Chair