BCAB #1528 - Handrails, Graspable, Sentence (2), ( (3))

Last updated on March 24, 2016

February 22, 2001

BCAB #1528

Re: Handrails, Graspable, Sentence (2), ( (3))

Project Description

The subject building falls within the scope of Part 9 of the BC Building Code. A handrail within a residential building uses a ergonomically shaped non regular section having a total perimeter dimension of 171 mm.

Reason for Appeal

Sentence requires a handrail to be constructed so it is continuously graspable along the entire length.

Appellant's Position

The appellant contends the maximum perimeter dimension stated in A- relates to the graspable portion of the handrail section (as stated in Clause and not necessarily its total perimeter

Building Official's Position

The Building Official considers it appropriate the entire perimeter dimension of the handrail section be used in the determination for graspablilty.

Appeal Board Decision #1528

There are many possible shapes that can provide a safe graspable handrail. Accordingly it is not possible for the Board to provide a generalized ruling dealing with all acceptable shapes.

It is the determination of the Board that the handrail in this appeal is graspable and complies with Sentence In arriving at this conclusion the Board noted the graspable portion of the cross-section to be approximately 120 mm, measured as illustrated below. The Board noted this handrail would also comply with Sentence

George Humphrey, Chair