BCAB #1514 - Climbable Balcony Guard, Article

Last updated on March 24, 2016

July 5, 2000

BCAB #1514

Re: Climbable Balcony Guard, Article

Project Description

The subject building has multiple occupancies including a Group C major occupancy. The residential balcony guards are constructed with glass panels with a cross member at about 455 mm to 510 mm above the floor. The cross member has a 19 mm semi flat profile from the front edge of the glass.

Reason for Appeal

To reduce the probability of a child climbing a guard, no member, attachment or opening located between 100 mm and 900 mm above the floor or walking surface can facilitate climbing.

Appellant's Position

The appellant contends the design of the guard complies with the intent of the Code to reduce the probability of climbing.

Building Official's Position

The building official considers the 19 mm ledge, located between 455-510 mm above the floor level, will create a toe hold which will facilitate climbing.

Appeal Board Decision #1514

It is the determination of the Board that the guard design in question does facilitate climbing.

George Humphrey, Chair