April 21, 1999
BCAB #1482
Re: Tempering of Ventilation Make-up Air, Sentence ('92 BCBC)
Project Description
The project in question is a seniors apartment building. The suites are mechanically ventilated as required by Subsection 9.32.3. using the bathroom fan controlled by a humidistat. Make-up air is provided through two five inch diameter through-wall vents. One make-up vent is located in the bedroom closet ceiling and the other in the living room ceiling near the gas fireplace.
Reason for Appeal
Clause requires make-up air in locations where the winter design temperature is not less than -10 °C to be tempered by being ducted into secondary areas such as utility or storage rooms, specially designed individual room or space through-wall diffusers, methods intended for locations where the winter design temperature is less than -10°C or other acceptable methods.
Appellant's Position
The appellant contends that the method of providing make-up air in the suites in this building complies with Clause The five inch diameter vents are "specially designed through-wall diffusers" and one of them also discharges into a secondary area, the bedroom closet.
Building Official's Position
The building official maintains that the appellant's approach to mechanical ventilation does not meet the requirements of the code because the make-up air is not tempered before it enters the suite.
Appeal Board Decision #1482
It is the determination of the Board that the make-up air installation complies with the requirements of the code. The air is tempered by being introduced into the suite in conformance with Subclauses and/or (ii).
George R. Humphrey, Chair