BCAB #1472 - Protection of Insulation, Article & Water Pipe Size, Table 6.3.C., B.C. Plumbing Code

Last updated on March 24, 2016

October 21, 1998

BCAB #1472

Re: 1. Protection of Insulation, Article

       2. Water Pipe Size, Table 6.3.C., B.C. Plumbing Code

Project Description

The project in question is a 26 foot by 52 foot factory-built house installed on a site built basement. The basement is approximately half below grade concrete and the remaining above-grade portion is wood frame. Half inch water supply piping is provided from fixtures within the factory-built portion of the house.

Reason for Appeal

  1. Article requires that insulation located in areas where it "... may be subject to mechanical damage shall be protected by a covering such as gypsum board, plywood, particleboard, waferboard, strandboard or hardboard."
  2. Sentences 6.3.4.(3) and (4) of the B.C. Plumbing Code requires water service and distribution piping to be sized in accordance with Table 6.3.C.

Appellant's Position

  1. The appellant contends the vapour barrier is adequate protection for the insulation and additional finishing should not be required in the basement.
  2. Water distribution piping provided by the manufacturer of the CSA certified portion of the house was1/2". Changing these water lines to 3/4" would be very costly.

Building Official's Position

  1. The building official maintains that Article requires a rigid panel material to protect the insulation. The polyethylene vapour barrier is not adequate.
  2. The building official maintains that only the distribution piping installed after the manufactured home was placed on the basement needs to be 3/4". There are 26.5 fixture units in the manufactured home and 6 fixture units for a rough-in bath in the site-built basement. This many fixture units must be supplied by 3/4" distribution pipe.

Appeal Board Decision #1472

  1. It is the determination of the Board that the insulation must be protected from mechanical damage as specified in Article The polyethylene vapour barrier is not acceptable protection.
  2. It is the determination of the Board that the water distribution piping installed on site must comply with the sizing requirements of the B.C. Plumbing Code. The Board understands there is not a dispute regarding the water pipe installed in the factory by the home manufacturer.

George R. Humphrey, Chair