BCAB #1458 - Unprotected Openings Behind Solid Guardrail, Article

Last updated on March 24, 2016

January 21, 1998

BCAB #1458

Re: Unprotected Openings Behind Solid Guardrail, Article

Project Description

The project in question is a new two storey dwelling unit with narrow side yards which total 11 feet in width.

Reason for Appeal

Article limits the maximum percentage of unprotected openings in an exposing building face in accordance with Table 9.10.14.A.

Appellant's Position

The appellant contends that building a solid guardrail consisting of plywood on both sides of wood studs with wood siding on the exterior side would mean only that portion of the sliding glass doors exposed above the top of the guard should be considered when calculating the area of unprotected openings in the exposing building face. Based on this contention, if the building is shifted a little further from the right side property line the area of unprotected openings will comply with the limits of Table 9.10.14.A.

Building Official's Position

The building official maintains that the exposing building face is defined as that part of the exterior wall of a building and the appellants proposal fails to comply with the official's interpretation of what is to be considered the exposing building face.

Appeal Board Decision #1458

It is the determination of the Board that the guardrail is not part of the exterior wall as referred to in the definition of exposing building face. Therefore, the full area of the sliding glass doors must be considered as unprotected openings within the exposing building face.

George R. Humphrey, Chair