December 16, 1994
BCAB #1371
Re: Thermal Insulation for Summer Home, Sentence
Project Description
The project in question is a 592 square foot house used as a summer home in an area of recreational properties and permanent residences.
Reason for Appeal
Sentence states that Section 9.25, Thermal Insulation and Control of Condensation, applies to "...buildings of residential occupancy intended for use on a continuing basis during the winter months."
Appellant's Position
The appellant contends that the house is strictly a summer guest cottage and should not require the R20 (RSI 3.5) level of insulation required by Sentence 9.25. 2 1 (1) and Table 9.25.2.A.
Building Official's Position
The building official maintains that because the property is in a regular residential subdivision with water and electrical service the building can be used as a full time residence and should be insulated accordingly. Properties only accessible by boat are classed as "seasonal use only" but the building official considers that the intent of Sentence is that all dwellings constructed in a residential subdivision and supplied with hydro and water would be considered to be occupied on a continuing basis during the winter months.
Appeal Board Decision #1371
It is the determination of the Board that where it is intended that a dwelling not be used on a continuing basis in the winter months, such as a summer cottage, it is not required to be insulated. If the owner states the building is for use only as a summer guest cottage the Board has no alternative but to rule that thermal insulation is not required.
George R. Humphrey, Chair