May 20, 1994
BCAB #1357
Re: Water Service Pipe Size, Sentence 6.3.4.(1), B.C. Plumbing Code
Project Description
The project in question is a 12 unit apartment building, the second of several 8 and 12 unit buildings planned for the site. The property is served by a 2 diameter water service.
Reason for Appeal
Sentence 6.3.4.(1) requires that, except for single family dwellings and duplexes, water service pipes... shall be sized in accordance with peak demand flow ... but must not be less than 0.75 inches. The water service pipe for single family dwellings and duplexes shall be sized in accordance with Table 6.3.C. Based on peak demand flow the water service pipe for this project would have to be 4 in diameter.
Appellant's Position
The appellant contends that an apartment building is just a collection of single family dwellings and the water service pipe should be sized in accordance with Table 6.3.C. for single family dwellings and duplexes. This project has a plumbing load of 225 fixture units which translates into a design flow of 69 GPM and a velocity of 7 ft/second in a 2 pipe. Table 6.3.C. permits 225 fixture units to be served by a 11/2 water service pipe which results in a velocity of 17 ft/second.
Building Official's Position
The building official maintains that Sentence 6.3.4.(1) must be applied and the exception for single family dwellings and duplexes does not apply to multi-family dwellings such as apartment buildings.
Appeal Board Decision #1357
It is the determination of the Board that the building in question is a multiple family dwelling, not a single family dwelling or duplex. Therefore, the Board considers that Sentences 6.1.1.(1) and 6.3.4.(1) and Clause 6.3.1.(1)(a) apply and the exceptions for single family dwellings and duplexes do not apply.
George R. Humphrey, Chair