May 20, 1994
BCAB #1353
Re: Electrical and Water Connections, Subsection 9.31.3. & Article
Project Description
The project in question is a cabin in a developed and serviced subdivision.
Reason for Appeal
Subsection 9.31.3. requires every dwelling unit to be supplied with potable water and "where a piped water supply is available, piping for hot and cold water shall be connected to every kitchen sink, lavatory, bathtub, shower, slop sink and laundry area". Article requires that where electrical services are available, electrical facilities shall be provided in conformance with Section 9.34, Electrical Facilities.
Appellant's Position
The appellant contends that although the code requires wiring and plumbing installations in the building when electrical and water services are available it does not require that these services be connected to the facilities in the building. The appellant proposes to carry in potable water and use alternate methods for electricity.
Building Official's Position
The building official maintains that Article requires a potable water supply for each dwelling unit and this does not mean carrying the water "by hand in a plastic bucket". Further to this, Sentence requires hot and cold water to each facility in the dwelling when a piped water supply is available, as it is in this case. Therefore, if potable is available from a piped supply it shall be connected to the facilities in the dwelling.
Regarding electrical facilities the building official maintains that if Article requires specific electrical facilities in the dwelling when electrical service is available to the dwelling then it is reasonable to assume the code intends these facilities to be connected to the available service.
Appeal Board Decision #1353
It is the determination of the Board that the subject building is a dwelling unit. Article requires every dwelling unit to be supplied with potable water. Sentence requires the connection of specified plumbing fixtures to a piped water supply where such water supply is available. In this case the Board considers a piped public water supply is available to service this property. This is further clarified by Article 1.6.3. of the Plumbing Code which requires that "Every water distribution system shall be connected to a public water main or a private potable water supply system or other acceptable source of water".
Similarly Article requires the provision of electrical facilities because electrical service is available at the street. Subject to the requirements of Article, the Code does not preclude the use of alternate sources of electricity.
George R. Humphrey, Chair