March 24, 1992
BCAB #1275
Re: Metal Chimney Liner for Fireplace Insert - Article
Project Description
The installation in question is a ULC listed solid fuel burning fireplace insert with a flexible stainless steel chimney liner.
Reason for Appeal
The installation has been rejected by the building official because of the method used to lead the liner through the damper area of the existing fireplace/chimney.
Appellant's Position
The appellant contends that the oval shape of the flue liner as it passes through the damper area is permitted by Article and his installation complies with this Article.
Building Official's Position
The building official maintains that although an oval shape is permitted the Code does not permit the liner to be deformed in such a manner as to cause obstructions inside the liner as is the case in this installation.
Appeal Board Decision #1275
Based on the details submitted with the Appeal it is the determination of the Board that the stainless steel flue liner installation does not meet the requirements of the Code. Article allows an oval flue shape providing the width is not less than 2/3 its breadth. In this case the flue has been squeezed down to dimensions of 4" x 8" resulting in a width of less than 2/3 its breadth which does not comply with Article
George R. Humphrey, Chairman