BCAB #1267 - Glass Block in an Exposing Building Face, Article

Last updated on March 24, 2016

November 21, 1991

BCAB #1267

Re: Glass Block in an Exposing Building Face, Article

Project Description

A single family dwelling with a automatic fire sprinkler system.

Reason for Appeal

Article permits the area of unprotected openings in an exposing building face to be doubled where the building is sprinklered or where the openings are glazed with wired glass in steel frames or with glass block.

Appellant's Position

The appellant contends that Article 9.10.14..4. permits the area of unprotected openings to be quadrupled if the building is sprinklered and the openings are g lazed with glass block. He cites the 1990 Canadian Housing Code which specifically permits this.

Building Official's Position

The building official maintains that sprinklering and using glass block does not mean that the area of unprotected openings can be quadrupled. He also points out that the 1990 Canadian Housing Code has no status in B.C.

Appeal Board Decision #1267

It is the determination of the Board that the current B.C. Building Code does not permit the area of unprotected openings to be quadrupled where the openings are glazed with wired glass or glass block and the building is sprinklered. The openings may only be doubled. Although the Appendix to the 1990 Canadian Housing Code allows the openings to be quadrupled this Code has no status in B.C.

George R. Humphrey, Chair