BCAB #1263 - Tapered Treads for Curved Stairs, Sentence and Clause

Last updated on March 24, 2016

September 26, 1991

BCAB #1263

Re: Tapered Treads for Curved Stairs, Sentence and Clause

Project Description

The main staircase in a new single family dwelling. The stair incorporates tapered treads but the stairway itself does not curve. (See Diagram A)

Reason for Appeal

Article governs the design of stairs for all buildings and permits curved stairs providing that the tapered treads meet certain dimensions. Sentence stipulates that the path of travel up or down a stair must be at right angles to the front edge of the tread. this applies to straight and curved stairs.

Appellant's Position

The appellant considers the stair to be safe and in conformance with the requirements of the Code.

Building Official's Position

The building official maintains that although the stairs have been expertly crafted to ensure comfort and flow they do not conform to Sentence and Clause because the path of travel is not at right angles to the front edge of the treads and the run of the treads is not uniform within 5 mm.

Appeal Board Decision #1263

The Board considers that although the stairs appear to meet the average run requirement of Sentence the path of travel is not at right angles to the front of the treads as required by Clause Therefore the Board must rule that the stairs are not in conformance with the Code. Although the appellant makes reference to the Equivalents section of the Code the Board has no authority to deal with equivalents and suggests that the appellant discuss this with the authority having jurisdiction.

George R. Humphrey, Chair