BCAB #1237 - Indoor Miniature Golf - Article, Major Occupancy Classification

Last updated on March 24, 2016

February 22, 1991

BCAB #1237

Re: Indoor Miniature Golf - Article, Major Occupancy Classification

Project Description

A miniature golf business set up inside an existing warehouse building. The area in question is approximately 10,200 square feet and 22 feet high. The existing fire separation between this space and the adjacent suite has a fire resistance rating of 1 hour.

Reason for Appeal

The building officials have classified the miniature golf business as a Group A Division 2 major occupancy and Sentence requires a 2 hour fire separation between such an occupancy and an adjoining Group F Division 2 major occupancy.

Appellant's Position

The appellant does not feel the occupancy should be defined as assembly because the occupant load would never exceed 2 persons per 1000 square feet.

Building Official's Position

The building official considers the indoor miniature golf to be a Group A Division 2 occupancy as do other officials with whom he has checked. A 2 hour fire separation is required between a Group A Division 2 occupancy and the Group F Division 2 furniture manufacturer next door.

Appeal Board Decision #1237

The Board considers that indoor miniature golf is clearly an assembly occupancy classified as Group A Division 2 under Subsection 3.1.2. of the Code. Article requires different major occupancies to be separated from each other by a fire separation with a fire resistance rating conforming to Table 3.1.3.A. This table requires a 2 hour fire separation between a Group A Division 2 major occupancy and a Group F Division 2 major occupancy such as a furniture manufacturing plant.

George R. Humphrey, Chair