BCAB #1208 - Hold-Open Devices; Sentence

Last updated on March 24, 2016

May 18, 1990

BCAB #1208

Re: Hold-Open Devices; Sentence

Project Description

A 1796 sq m aquatic centre conforming to Article By designer's choice the building is of noncombustible construction. The building is separated from the existing arena complex by a two hour firewall.

Reason for Appeal

Openings in the firewall must be protected by closures. Some doors are permitted to have hold-open devices which allow the door to close upon a signal from a smoke or heat detector.

Appellant's Position

Rolling shutter fire doors at the ticket/control counter should be permitted to be held open by fusible links (heat activated).

Building Official's Position

Clause requires hold-open devices on doors serving a Group A occupancy to be released by a smoke detector.

Appeal Board Decision #1208

Sentence for installation of closures of the B.C. Building Code 1985 applies. This Sentence refers to NFPA 80-1986.- rolling fire shutters are considered as labeled door assemblies for the purposes of this standard. Therefore, Sentence for hold-open devices on doors also applies. Since this is a Group A major occupancy building, Clause clearly requires smoke detectors.

George R. Humphrey, Chair