May 18, 1990
BCAB #1203
Re: Approval of Sprinkler Systems, Sentence & Article,
Project Description
The alteration of existing sprinkler systems designed and installed in conformance with NFPA 13 and the design of sprinkler systems for one and two family dwellings in conformance with NFPA 13D.
Reason for Appeal
The authority having jurisdiction is requiring certification from a professional engineer that alterations to existing sprinkler systems conform to NFPA 13 and is requiring sprinkler systems for one and two family dwellings to be designed by a professional engineer.
Appellant's Position
Professional certification should not be required for alterations to existing sprinkler systems and for the design on sprinkler systems for one and two family dwellings.
Building Official's Position
Professional certification is required because the municipality does not have anyone qualified to approve sprinkler designs or installations. They would, however, like to see provincial legislation that would permit a qualified plumber and the building owner to sign a declaration that the alterations to existing systems or the design of systems for one and two family dwellings conform to the appropriate standard.
Appeal Board Decision #1203
The Board considers this to be an administrative requirement. Therefore, Subsection 1.1.1., Administration, of the B.C. Building Code 1985 applies. This Subsection requires the Code to be administered in conformance with the appropriate provincial or municipal regulations, or in the absence of such regulations, in conformance with the ACNBC Administrative Requirements for Use with the National Building Code of Canada. Since The District of Chilliwack has a building bylaw, that is where the authority to require professional certification should be.
George R. Humphrey, Chair