April 18, 1990
BCAB #1200
Re: Sentence - Location of Emergency Telephones
Project Description
High-rise apartment building with minimum length U-shaped public corridor and scissor type exit stairways. A voice communication system is required in which "emergency telephones are located in each floor area near exit stair shafts".
Reason for Appeal
Conflicting opinions from building inspectors regarding number and location of emergency telephones for voice communication systems.
Appellant's Position
The term 'near' should be interpreted as 25 to 50 feet and one telephone should be acceptable when within 25 to 50 feet of both exit stairs.
Building Official's Position
Comments not provided.
Appeal Board Decision #1200
It is the determination of the Board that Sentence requires one emergency telephone for each exit stairway in each floor area. The persons using these telephones are involved in directing the evacuation of the floor area in an emergency. This requires the telephones to be within sight of and as close as possible to the door into the exit stairway. On this basis the examples submitted would not be acceptable.
George R. Humphrey, Chair