BCAB #1119 - Wood Burning Insert

Last updated on March 24, 2016

January 29, 1990

BCAB #1119

Re: Wood Burning Insert

With reference to your letter of December 18, 1989, regarding the installation of a fireplace insert. Your letter refers to the provision of a cleanout opening, but information from the municipality adds a steel flue liner to the issue, both seem to be involved. Under the circumstances we will deal with what we perceive to be the basic problem.

With regard to the cleanout required under Article we consider that this is adequately addressed by the provision of a fireplace insert which is removable for cleaning, without the need for any further action. In fact, we regard this as a more effective approach than that shown in two diagrams, Figs. 1A and 1B, submitted with your letter. On the question of a steel flue liner, Article of the Code requires conformance with ULC S628 for fireplace inserts and their installation, this standard does not require the provision of a steel liner, so such a requirement is a variation from the Code.

In view of the postscript to Mr. Brodgesell's letter dated January 10th, we presume that the method of installing inserts in fireplaces which you are following, is acceptable. However, apparently steps are being taken to introduce additional requirements which may be inconsistent with the provisions of the Code. In this regard we wish to bring the provisions of Subsection 740 (3) of the Municipal Act to the District of Central Saanich's attention.

J.C. Currie, Chairman