October 5, 1989
BCAB #1095
Re: Ventilation of a House, Table 9.33.3.A.
With reference to your letter of August 22, 1989, regarding the ventilation of a house.
The Inspector is correct in his interpretation of the current Building Code and a copy of a relevant decision under Appeal #1096 is attached. However, the authority having jurisdiction has informed us that your buildings were approved for construction under the previous B.C. Building Code, this was the 1980 edition.
Under the Code applicable to your situation, mechanical ventilation is not mandatory for a dwelling unit heated with fuel-fired equipment. From the information submitted your house falls within this category, so natural ventilation is acceptable. Your letter uses the 1985 National Building Code rather than B.C. Building Code references, but Table 9.33.3.A. from the 1980 NBC is identical with Table 9.33.2.A. from the 1985 NBC. As you indicate that you exceed these requirements, you presumably have no difficulties.
J.C. Currie, Chair