BCAB #1082 - Fingerjoined Structural Lumber, Article

Last updated on March 24, 2016

July 21, 1989

BCAB #1082

Re: Fingerjoined Structural Lumber, Article

With reference to your letter of June 27, 1989 regarding acceptance of fingerjoined lumber using PVA adhesive. Quality control will be carried out by your Association, the lumber use is restricted to wall studs covered under the provisions of Article, and they will be manufactured to SPS-3, developed by the NLGA.

We note that the 1990 National Building Code will include a reference to this standard, although your letter is incorrect in stating that it will be implemented on January 1, 1990; in fact the National Building Code is purely a recommended standard until implemented by the jurisdictional authority - in this case the province - in whatever form they choose. However, such fingerjoined studs have been accepted on an unofficial basis by the provincial Code authority since 1986; in addition we are informed that the 1987 NLGA grading rules, which include fingerjoining, will be adopted provincially later this year.

Taking into account all circumstances, we consider the material to be acceptable now under the B.C. Building Code, on the same basis as indicated in the Appendix to the 1990 National Building Code, including grade stamping as required by the NLGA rules. The Appendix note reads as follows:

A- Fingerjoined Lumber. The NLGA "Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber," referenced in refers to two special products standards, SPS-1 "Fingerjoined Structural Lumber," and SPS-3 Fingerjoined Stud Lumber - Vertical Use Only,"" produced by NLGA. Material identified as conforming to these standards are considered to meet the requirements in this Article for joining with a structural adhesive. Lumber fingerjoined in accordance with SPS-3 should only be used as a vertical end-loaded member in compression only, where sustained bending or tension-loading conditions are not present, and where the moisture content of the wood will not exceed 19%.

Fingerjoined lumber may not be visually regraded or remanufactured into a higher stress grade even if the quality of the lumber containing fingerjoints would otherwise warrant such regrading.

J.C. Currie, Chair