March 3, 1989
BCAB #1051
Re: Self-Service Storage Buildings, Sentence
With reference to your letter of January 31, 1989 regarding application of the Building Code to the above complex. In addition to your letter we have a submission from the authority having jurisdiction, plus other correspondence and minutes of meetings.
The following draws on the submissions from both parties.
In light of the above you may wish to reconsider your position in reference to the fire safety of the buildings, in view of their intended use. In your reconsideration we suggest that you address carefully the hazards involved by smoke, to persons within the building, should there be a fire within an individual locker. It would seem essential for such a hazard to be readily locatable, a warning system provided to advise occupants of its existence, and protection for the corridors to assist safe evacuation.
J.C. Currie, Chairman