BCAB #1017 - Stair Landing, Appeal No. 186, Article

Last updated on March 24, 2016

August 2, 1988

BCAB #1017

Re: Stair Landing, Appeal No. 186, Article

With reference to your letter of January 17, 1988, regarding the application of Appeal No. 186 to the current Building Code.

The Appeal in question was based on Article, which remains unchanged in the 1985 Building Code. We therefore consider it to be still applicable. The landing indicated in your design is not curved, but is of a normal rectangular configuration, at a 90 change in direction of a stairway. The only unusual feature is a chamfered corner at the outer angle of the landing. To accommodate a transition through 90 from one flight to the other, there is no reason why the rationale used in Appeal No. 186 could not be applied, with the dimensions measured on the centre line as previously indicated, although from the limited information provided it seems questionable whether in fact your design complies for length.

We would also draw your attention to the winder requirements in the B.C. Code, your design tends to fall between a winder and a landing, probably contravening both.

J.C. Currie, Chair