BCAB #1005 - Exposure Protection Between Suites, Article

Last updated on March 24, 2016

June 10, 1988

BCAB #1005

Re: Exposure Protection Between Suites, Article

With reference to your letter of march 24, 1988, regarding the application of Article

From the information submitted this building is an intermediate care facility, having 75 beds. Each bed is located in an individual suite, and each suite is separated from adjacent space by a fire separation. Sentence of the Code does not require these fire separations to have a fire resistance rating.

The provisions of Sentence apply to exterior walls of fire compartments, and by definition a fire compartment is enclosed by a fire separation required to have a fire resistance rating. Under the circumstances, while Sentence would apply to a portion of the actual fire compartment walls, it could not be applied to each individual suite located within such fire compartments.

J.C. Currie, Chair