Information about growing and producing tomatoes in B.C. Includes guidance for planting and managing weeds, insects and disease.
Mountain Crest, Florida 47, QualiT23, Sun Brite, Mountain Fresh, Acclaim.
Ultra Boy, Early Girl, Fantastic.
Super Sweet 100, Sun Sugar, Sweet Million
Smarty, Cupid.
Seed treatment
Use only hot-water treated seed from a reliable seed source. Use seed treated with Thiram seed protectant.
For control of Pythium damping off, use seed treated with Apron XL LS seed protectant.
See your seed dealer for the most recent variety recommendations.
Greenhouse temperature
The tomato is a warm-temperature vegetable and requires a long growing season. Transplants which are grown under glass should be kept close to the following temperatures:
18 to 21°C
13 to 16°C until the seedlings are pricked out.
Use 70 g/ha (28 g/acre) of seed, depending on the variety and required plant population. Sow them in the greenhouse 6 to 8 weeks before field transplanting. Tomatoes are generally grown in plug trays to minimize root damage at transplanting. Large cell sizes such as 38s or 72s result in sturdy, early-producing plants, but because of higher costs are generally only used for early plantings. Cell sizes of 200 or more are often used for later plantings. Smaller cells are more cost-effective, but require a high level of management to obtain quality plants.
Provide adequate ventilation during the heat of the day, particularly after watering, which should be completed before 1 p.m. Water plants before signs of wilting appear. Harden transplants for about a week before transplanting to the field by slightly reducing the moisture and maintaining approximate outdoor temperatures.
Growing tomatoes using plasticulture provides many benefits. See the “Plasticulture” section of the Vegetable Production Guide: Planting (PDF).
See Mosaic and Streak under the Tomatoes Disease Management section of this page for control instructions.
Rows 120 cm apart and plants 30 to 45 cm apart in the row, depending on variety recommendations.
A soil test is necessary to determine phosphate and potash requirements. Use the Vegetable Production Guide: Nutrient Management (PDF) for recommendations based on soil test results. Broadcast and disc in the following:
Where mulching and trickle irrigation are practiced, additional nitrogen can be fed through the trickle irrigation system at 17 kg/ha (6.8 kg/acre) when the first fruit begins to set and an additional 17 kg/ha (6.8 kg/acre) four weeks after. To prevent clogging or plugging from occurring use soluble forms of nitrogen (Urea or Ammonium nitrate) and chlorinate the system once a month with a 10 to 50 ppm. chlorine solution. Chlorinate more frequently if the flow rate decreases.
Harvesting and handling
Tomatoes harvested at the mature green stage should be pre-cooled immediately to temperatures of 13 to 16°C; prolonged exposure to temperatures below 13°C result in chilling injuries. Mature green tomatoes may be held at 13°C and relative humidity of 85 – 90% for up to 6 weeks.
Tomatoes harvested at the semi-ripe and advanced stages should be pre-cooled to a temperature of 11°C immediately after picking and before passing them over sorting belts. Semi-ripe or advanced tomatoes may be held at 11 to 13°C, relative humidity 85 – 90%.
Ripe tomatoes are restricted to local markets. Firm, ripe fruit should be pre-cooled immediately after harvest to a temperature of 2 to 4°C before putting them over sorting belts. Ripe tomatoes may be held at 7 to 9°C and relative humidity of 85 – 90%.
A black or wavelength-selective plastic mulch provides excellent weed control and other benefits. See the “Plastic Mulches” section of the Vegetable Production Guide: Planting (PDF). For herbicide recommendations, see tables below.
Note: Best control is achieved when a combination of the chemical methods is used.
Pre-plant incorporation
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Group 2 |
35 to 70 g/ha (14.2 to 28.3 g/acre)
Apply in 190 L/ha (77 L/acre) of water
30 |
Bonanza 480(trifluralin)
Group 3 |
1.25 to 2.3 L/ha (500 to 900 mL/acre) Apply in at least 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) water at 275 kPa |
N/A |
Prowl H2O(pendimethalin) Group 3 |
2.2 L/ha (0.9 L/acre) Apply in at least 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water |
21 |
Devrinol 50-DF(napropamide)
Group 15 |
2.25 to 4.5 kg/ha Apply in 200 to 900 L/ha (80 to 365 L/acre) of water |
N/A |
Devrinol 2-XT(napropamide)
Group 15 |
4.69 to 9.38 L/ha Apply in 200 to 900 L/ha (80 to 365 L/acre) of water |
N/A |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Authority 480(sulfentrazone) Group 14 |
0.292 L/ha (0.118 L/acre) Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water at 175 kPa |
19 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Poast Ultra(sethoxydim) Group 1 Note: No longer produced |
Annual grasses (incl. volunteer cereals): 320 mL/ha (130 mL/ac)
Annual grasses & quackgrass suppression: 470 mL/ha (190 mL/ac)
Quackgrass: 1.1 L/ha (445 mL/ac) |
60 |
Excel Super(fenoxaprop-ethyl)
Group 1 |
670 mL/ha (270 mL/acre) Apply in at least 110 L/ha (45 L/acre) water at 275 kPa |
55 |
Venture L(fluazifop-p-butyl & S-isomer)
Group 1 |
barnyard grass (2-5 leaf stage): 0.8 L/ha (0.32 L/acre) proso millet (2-5 leaf): 1.0 L/ha (0.4 L/acre) foxtails (2-4 leaf): 1.4 L/ha (0.56 L/acre) quackgrass (3-5 leaf): 2.0 L/ha (0.8 L/acre) |
60 |
Pinnacle 75 Toss-N-Go(thifensulfuron-methyl)
Group 2 PLUS: Agral 90 or Agsurf or Citowett Plus |
5.5 to 8.0 g/ha
45 |
Prism 25 DF(rimsulfuon)
Group 2 PLUS: Agral 90 or Agsurf or Citowett Plus |
60 g/ha PLUS: |
30 |
Group 2 |
35 to 70 g/ha (14.2 to 28.3 g/acre)
Apply in 190 L/ha (75 L/acre) of water
30 |
Nutsedge Control following Pre-transplant:
Aim EC(carfentrazone-ethyl) Group 14 |
37 to 117 mL/ha Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
1 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
These small (<2 mm), soft-bodied, sucking insects cluster on growing tips or on leaves and cause wilting and yellowing. They also serve as vectors of some virus diseases affecting tomatoes.
See table below.
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Group 3
Used in organics |
2.32 to 4.65 L/ha (0.9 to 1.9 L/acre) |
0 |
Admire 240F(imidacloprid)
Group 4A
200 mL/ha (80 mL/acre) |
7 |
Assail 70 WP(acetamiprid) |
56 to 86 g/ha (23 to 35 g/acre) Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water |
7 |
Actara 25WG(thiamethoxam) |
105 g/ha (42 g/acre) Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
1 |
Sivanto Prime(flupyradifurone) |
Soil Application: Up to 26,650 plants per ha: 750 mL per 10,000 plants Up to 20,000 plants per ha: 1000 mL per 10,000 plants |
Sivanto Prime(flupyradifurone) |
Foliar Application: 500 to 750 mL/ha (200 to 300 mL/acre) Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
7 |
Beleaf(flonicamid) |
120 to 160 g/ha (50 to 60 g/acre) Apply in 94 L/ha (38L/acre) of water. |
0 |
Versys(afidopyropen) Group 9D |
100 mL/ha (40 mL/acre) Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Group 23 |
220 to 365 mL/ha (90 to 150 mL/acre) Apply in 300 L/ha (120 L/acre) of water |
1 |
Group 28
500 to 1500 mL/ha Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
1 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada.
Colorado potato beetle
Beetles are yellow and black striped. Larvae are reddish orange with two rows of black spots on each side. Both adults and larvae feed on the foliage. Control measures may be required in the Southern Interior. Colorado potato beetles are not known to occur at the Coast.
See table below.
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Admire 240F(imidacloprid)
Group 4A
200 mL/ha (80 mL/acre) |
7 |
Pounce 384 EC/ Perm-Up EC(permethrin) Group 3 |
180 to 260 mL/ha (73 to 105 mL/acre) |
1 |
Concept(imidacloprid & deltamethrin) |
650 mL/ ha (263 mL/ ac) Apply in 100 to 200 L/ha (40 to 80 L/acre) of water |
7 |
Decis 5 EC(deltamethrin)
Group 3
100 to 150 mL/ha (40 to 60 mL/acre) Apply in 200 to 500 L/ha (80 to 200 L/acre) of water |
3 |
Mako(cypermethrin) Group 3 |
85 mL/ha Apply in 100 to 500 L/ha (40 to 200 L/acre) of water |
3 |
Up-Cyde 2.5 EC(cypermethrin) Group 3 |
140 mL/ha Apply in 100 to 500 L/ha (40 to 200 L/acre) of water |
3 |
Matador 120EC/ Silencer 120EC(lambda- cyhalothrin)
Group 3
83 to 125 mL/ha (34 to 51 mL/acre) |
7 |
Assail 70 WP(acetamiprid)
Group 4
40 to 80 g/ha (16 to 32 g/acre) |
7 |
Sivanto Prime(flupyradifurone)
Group 4D |
750 to 1000 mL/ha
(300 to 400 mL/acre)
7 |
Entrust 80(spinosad)
Group 5
Used in organics
50 g/ha (20 g/acre) |
1 |
Entrust SC(spinosad)
Group 5
Used in organics
167 mL/ha (68 mL/acre) | 1 |
Group 5
83 mL/ha (34 mL/acre) |
1 |
Minecto Pro(abamectin/ cyantraniliprole) Group 6 & 28 |
556 to 670 mL/ha |
7 |
Group 28 |
250 to 375 mL/ha (100 to 150 mL/acre) Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
1 |
Harvanta 50SL(cyclaniliprole) Group 28 |
0.8 to 1.2 L/ha |
1 |
Group 28
750 to 1000 mL/ha Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
1 |
Cimegra(broflanilide)Group 30 |
125 to 187.5 mL/ha (50 to 76 mL/acre) |
1 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
OMRI-USA = Organic Materials Review Institute of USA.
OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada
Cutworms are drab-coloured, fleshy worms up to 4 cm long which feed at night at or below ground level, or they may climb and feed on aerial portions of plants. During the day they are found in soil or under clods near attacked plants. Freshly transplanted succulent plants are especially susceptible. Heavy populations of cutworms may be expected on fields that were covered with weeds or other plant debris the previous fall.
See table below.
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Sevin XLR(carbaryl) |
45 mL/100 m of row Apply in 225 to 275 L/ha (90 to 110 L/acre) of water |
2 |
Pounce 384 EC/ Perm-Up EC(permethrin) Group 3 |
180 to 260 mL/ha (73 to 105 mL/acre) |
1 |
Concept(imidacloprid & deltamethrin) |
650 mL/ ha (263 mL/ ac) Apply in 100 to 200 L/ha (40 to 80 L/acre) of water |
7 |
Scorpio Ant and Insect Bait(spinosad) Group 5 |
25 to 50 kg/ha (10.1 to 20.2 kg/acre) |
1 |
Minecto Pro(abamectin/ cyantraniliprole) Group 6 & 28 |
370 to 556 mL/ha (150 to 225 mL/acre) Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water |
7 |
Group 28 |
250 mL/ha (100 mL/acre) Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
1 |
Group 28
500 to 750 mL/ha Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
1 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
Flea beetles
These shiny, black jumping beetles eat holes in leaves, giving them a shot-holed appearance. Seedlings are particularly at risk of damage and death. On mixed vegetable farms and in gardens where potatoes are also grown, flea beetles on tomatoes should be controlled promptly before they spread to the potato crop.
See table below.
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Sevin XLR(carbaryl) |
2.5 L/ha (1 L/acre) |
2 |
Matador 120EC/ Silencer 120EC(lambda-cyhalothrin)
Group 3
83 mL/ha (34 mL/acre) |
7 |
Minecto Pro(abamectin/ cyantraniliprole) Group 6 & 28 |
385 to 741 mL/ha (156 to 300 mL/acre) Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water |
7 |
Group 28
500 to 1000 mL/ha (200 to 400 mL/acre) Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
1 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
These are large, (10 cm long when mature), pale-green worms with a short, red horn on the posterior end. They feed on foliage and fruit. When worms are first noticed, hand-pick and destroy them. Spot-treat if practical or under more severe conditions treat the whole field.
See table below.
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Bioprotec CAF(Bacillus thuringiensis)
0.65 to 1.1 L/ha Apply in 300 L/ha (120 L/acre) of water |
0 | Most effective when applied to young caterpillars. |
Dipel 2X DF(Bacillus thuringiensis)
Used in organics |
140 to 275 g/ha (55 to 110 g/acre) |
0 |
Sevin XLR(carbaryl)
Group 1A
2.5 to 5.25 L/ha (1.0 to 2.1 L/acre) |
2 |
Pounce 384 EC/ Perm-Up EC(permethrin) Group 3 |
180 to 260 mL/ha (73 to 105 mL/acre) |
1 |
Danitol(fenpropathrin) Group 3 |
779 mL/ha (315 mL/ac) Apply in 250 L/ha 100 L/ac) of water |
Hand harvesting or mechanically assisted harvesting: 6 Mechanical harvesting: 3 |
Concept(imidacloprid & deltamethrin) |
650 mL/ ha (263 mL/ ac) Apply in 100 to 200 L/ha (40 to 80 L/acre) of water |
7 |
Group 28 |
250 to 375 mL/ha (100 to 150 mL/acre) Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
1 |
Group 28
750 mL/ha Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
1 |
Cimegra(broflanilide) |
125 mL/ha Use sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage |
1 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
OMRI-USA = Organic Materials Review Institute of USA.
OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Purespray Green Spray Oil 13E(mineral oil)
Used in organics
10 L of product in 1000 L of water (1% solution) | N/A |
Malathion 85E(malathion)
Group 1B |
735 to 975 mL/ha (295 to 395 mL/acre) Apply in 1000 L/ha (405 L/acre) of water |
3 |
Danitol(fenpropathrin) Group 3 |
779 mL/ha (315 mL/ac) Apply in 250 L/ha 100 L/ac) of water |
Hand harvesting or mechanically assisted harvesting: 6 Mechanical harvesting: 3 |
Minecto Pro(abamectin/ cyantraniliprole) Group 6 & 28 |
385 to 670 mL/ha (156 to 271 mL/acre) Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water |
7 |
Acramite 50WS(bifenazate)
Group 25
851 g/ha
(344 g/acre)
Rate is equivalent to 15 pouches per 4 ha
Apply in 500 L/ha (200 L/acre) of water.
3 |
Group 25
1 L/ha
Apply in 500 L/ha (200 L/acre) of water.
3 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada.
Bacterial canker (Clavibacter)
Symptoms may begin as wilting of leaves at the lower and outer parts of the plant. The edges of the leaves turn brown and yellow and curl upward. Light coloured streaks may develop on the stems, shoots and leaf stalks. Later, cracks may develop in the streaks. The stem pith becomes brown, dry and mealy. Plants sometimes die but they usually produce fruit. Sunburn can be severe because of the loss of outer, protective leaves. Diagnostic white “birds-eye” spots are found on green fruit. On ripe fruit, spots have a raised, tan-coloured, rough area about 3 mm across and a surrounding white halo.
The most likely source of disease is contaminated seed and transplants, but bacteria may survive in the field on plant debris.
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
12 L/ha (4.9 L/acre) Apply in 500 L/ha (200 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Kocide 2000 - 2(copper hydroxide)
Group M
Used in organics
2.25 kg/ha (910 g/acre) |
2 |
Cueva(copper octanoate) Group M1 Used in organics |
Use a 0.5% to 2% solution at 470 to 940 L/ha (190 to 380 L/acre) | 1 |
Parasol F(copper hydroxide) |
2.3 L/ha (920 mL/acre) |
2 |
Copper oxychloride 50(copper oxychloride) |
4.0 kg/ha Apply in 1000 L/ha (405 L/acre) of water |
2 |
Kasumin 2L(hydocholoride hydrate) |
1.2 L/ha (0.5 L/acre) |
1 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada
Bacterial speck (Pseudomonas)
Numerous, tiny, dark brown to black specks of less than 1.5 mm diameter appear on the surface of green or ripe fruit. Larger, dark brown to black spots may occur on the leaves and stems. Fruit are only infected when green. This disease is more common in cool, wet weather.
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Cueva(copper octanoate) Group M1 Used in organics |
Use a 0.5% to 2% solution at 470 to 940 L/ha (190 to 380 L/acre) | 1 |
Parasol F(copper hydroxide) |
2.3 L/ha (920 mL/acre) |
2 |
Actigard 50WG(acivenzolar – S –methyl) |
25 g/ha (10.1 g/acre) Apply in 280 to 655 L/ha (113 to 265 L/acre) of water |
14 |
LifeGard WG(Bacillus mycoides isolate J) Group P 06 Used in organics |
70 to 333 g/ha |
0 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada
OMRI-USA = Organic Materials Review Institute of USA
Bacterial spot (Xanthomonos)
Leaf symptoms are similar to bacterial speck. Small dark specks appear on the green fruit, and later enlarge to become brown scabby spots. These spots are crater-like, and may be surrounded by a greasy looking white halo.
See table below for chemical controls of bacterial speck.
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Serenade Opti(Bacillus subtilis)
Used in organics
0.6 to 1.7 kg/ha (240 to 690 g/acre) |
0 |
Regalia Maxx(Extract of Reynoutria sachalinensis) Used in organics |
0.125 to 0.25% v/v in 400 to 1000 L/ha (160 to 400 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Actigard 50WG(acivenzolar – S –methyl) |
25 g/ha (10.1 g/acre) Apply in 280 to 655 L/ha (113 to 265 L/acre) of water |
14 |
Kocide 2000 - 2(copper hydroxide)
Group M
Used in organics
2.52 kg/ha (1.0 kg/acre) |
2 |
Parasol F(copper hydroxide) |
2.3 L/ha (920 mL/acre) |
2 |
Cueva(copper octanoate) Group M1 Used in organics |
Use a 0.5% to 2% solution at 470 to 940 L/ha (190 to 380 L/acre) | 1 |
LifeGard WG(Bacillus mycoides isolate J) Group P 06 Used in organics |
70 to 333 g/ha |
0 |
Kasumin 2L(hydocholoride hydrate) |
1.2 L/ha (0.5 L/acre) |
1 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada
OMRI-USA = Organic Materials Review Institute of USA
Botrytis rot
Symptoms are gray mold rot of foliage, stem and fruit. Pale green or silvery ring spots with a brownish puncture in the centre, known as ghost spot, occur on green fruit. The same rings are generally yellow on ripe fruit. This disease is associated with wet, humid weather.
See table below. Captan applied for anthracnose may also control Botrytis.
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Timorex Gold(tea tree oil) Used in organics |
1.5 to 2.0 L/ha (605 to 910 mL/acre) Apply in 400 to 1200 L/ha (160 to 485 L/acre) of water |
2 |
Serenade Opti(Bacillus subtilis)
Used in organics
1.7 to 3.3 kg/ha (690 to 1300 g/acre) |
0 |
Oxidate 2.0(hydrogen peroxide & peroxyacetic acid) Used in organics |
Dilute 1.0 L product in 100 L water (1.0% v:v) | 0 |
Double Nickel 55(Bacillus amyloliqufaciens strain D747) Group BM 02 Used in organics Note: no longer available |
1.25 to 3.6 kg/ha For smaller plants or low disease pressure: |
0 |
Double Nickel LC(Bacillus amyloliqufaciens strain D747) Group BM 02 Used in organics |
6.25 to 18 L/ha For smaller plants or low disease pressure: |
0 |
Bravo 720(chlorothalonil)Group M5 |
3.3 L/ha |
1 |
Bravo ZN(chlorothalonil) Group M5 |
4.8 L/ha (1.9 L/acre) |
2 |
Bravo ZNC(chlorothalonil) Group M5 |
Echo 720(chlorothalonil) Group M5 |
3.3 L/ha (1.3 L/acre) |
1 |
Lance WDG(boscalid) Group 7 |
420 g/ha (168 g/acre) Apply in at least 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Cantus WDG(boscalid) Group 7 |
420 g/ha (168 g/acre) Apply in at least 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Fontelis(penthiopyrad) |
1.25 to 1.75 L/ha (500 to 710 mL/acre) Apply in 110 L/ha (45 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Miravis Duo(pydiflumetofen & difenoconazole) Group 7 & 3 |
1 L/ha (405 mL/ac) Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/ac) of water |
0 |
Scala SC(pyrimethanil) Group 9 |
750 mL/ha Apply in 300 L/ha (120 L/acre) of water. |
1 |
Switch 62.5 WG(cyprodinil & fludioxonil)
Group 9 & 12 |
775 to 975 g/ha (314 to 395 g/acre) Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Decree 50 WDG(fenhexamid)
Group 17 |
1.5 kg/ha (609 g/acre) |
60 |
Diplomat 5SC(polyoxin D zinc salt)
Group 19
463 to 926 mL/ha
(187 to 375 mL/acre)
0 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada
OMRI-USA = Organic Materials Review Institute of USA
This is a disease of ripe fruit. When spots first appear they are small, sunken and circular. They can increase in size to 1 cm and are usually found on the side of the fruit next to the soil. Older spots are depressed with concentric rings, a tan centre and numerous dark specks.
A regular spray program is required to avoid losses due to the two blights and anthracnose fruit rot in the late summer and early fall when wet weather begins. Begin spraying in late June and repeat every 7 to 10 days depending on weather conditions. Use one of the products in the table below.
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Copper 53W(tri-basic copper sulphate) |
4.5 kg/ha (1.8 kg/acre) |
2 |
Penncozeb 75DF(mancozeb) Group M |
1.1 to 3.25 kg/ha (0.44 to 1.3 kg/acre) |
30 |
Penncozeb 75DF Raincoat(mancozeb) Group M |
1.1 to 3.25 kg/ha (0.44 to 1.3 kg/acre) |
30 |
Dithane Rainshield(mancozeb) Group M3 |
3.25 kg/ha (1.3 kg/acre) |
30 |
Maestro 80 WSP(captan) Group M4 |
2.75 to 4.25 kg/ha |
2 |
Bravo 720(chlorothalonil)Group M5 |
1.7 to 2.8 L/ha |
1 |
Bravo ZN(chlorothalonil) Group M5 |
2.4 to 4.0 L/ha |
2 |
Bravo ZNC(chlorothalonil) Group M5 |
Echo 720(chlorothalonil) Group M5 |
1.7 to 2.8 L/ha |
1 |
Inspire(difenoconazole) Group 3 |
512 mL/ha Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Aprovia Top(benzovindiflupyr/ difenoconazole) Group 3 & 7 |
643 to 967 mL/ha Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water |
1 |
Aprovia(benzovindiflupyr) Group 7 |
500 to 750 mL/ha Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre of water) |
1 |
Cabrio EG(pyraclostrobin) Group 11 |
560 to 840 g/ha Apply in 225 L/ha (91 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Quadris F(axosystrobin) Group 11 |
300 to 500 mL/ha (120 to 200 mL/acre) |
1 |
Quadris Top(azoxystrobin/ difenoconazole) Group 11 & 3 |
625 mL/ha Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water. |
1 |
Elatus(benzovindiflupyr/ azoxystrobin) Group 11 & 7 |
333 to 417 g/ha (135 to 169 g/acre) Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water. |
1 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
Mosaic and streak (virus diseases)
Pale mottling of leaves and sometimes of fruit. Alfalfa mosaic causes brown streaks and distortion of fruit.
Brown stripes on stem, brown blotches on foliage and brown irregularly shaped pits on fruit.
Mosaic is much more common than streak. Tobacco mosaic is spread from one tomato crop to another on seed, clothing, soil, hands and tools. Alfalfa mosaic is spread only by aphids.
It has been found that the spread of mosaic from diseased to healthy plants and infection from outside sources can be reduced sharply by the use of a milk spray. From 4 to 24 hours before seedlings are to be handled (pricked out), they should be watered thoroughly, then sprayed with natural whole or skimmed milk or reconstituted powdered milk, 3.0 L/10 L of water.
The milk is allowed to dry on the leaves. It gives effective protection for 24 hours. Twenty-two litres of milk will spray approximately enough plants to set out in 1 hectare.
A second milk spray should be applied to the plants just prior to transplanting.
Tomato spotted wilt virus
This disease is occasionally seen in field tomatoes as a result of planting infected seedlings. Infected tomato plants may not grow well and have bronzed leaves and yellow ring patterns on fruit. Use the Vegetable Production Guide: Pest Management (PDF, 1.2 MB) to learn more about control options.
Verticillium wilt
The causal fungus is soil or seed-borne. First, lower leaves wilt and drop, then petioles turn yellow and wither and, finally, the entire plant may wilt.
Root rot
RootShield WP (Trichoderma harzianum Rifai strain KRL-AG2) is a biological fungicide for the suppression of Root Rot in greenhouse vegetable transplants. When applied to transplants, greenhouse planting mix or soil, the product grows into plant roots as they develop to protect roots against Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium.
RootShield WP is used in organics. It is OMRI-USA listed. OMRI-USA = Organic Materials Review Institute of USA. Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Group 21
30 mL/100L water | 60 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
Early blight (Alternaria)
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Serenade Opti(Bacillus subtilis)
Used in organics
2.5 kg/ha |
0 |
Timorex Gold(tea tree oil) Used in organics |
1.5 to 1.88 L/ha Apply in 400 to 1200 L/ha (160 to 485 L/acre) of water |
2 |
Double Nickel 55(Bacillus amyloliqufaciens strain D747) Group BM 02 Used in organics Note: no longer available |
0.5 to 2 kg/ha For smaller plants or low disease pressure: |
0 |
Double Nickel LC(Bacillus amyloliqufaciens strain D747) Group BM 02 Used in organics |
2.5 to 10 L/ha For smaller plants or low disease pressure: |
0 |
Kocide 2000 - 0(copper hydroxide)
Group M
Used in organics
2.52 kg/ha ( 1.0 kg/acre) |
2 |
Copper 53W(tri-basic copper sulphate) |
4.5 kg/ha (1.8 kg/acre) |
2 |
Penncozeb 75DF(mancozeb) Group M |
1.1 to 3.25 kg/ha (0.44 to 1.3 kg/acre) |
30 |
Penncozeb 75DF Raincoat(mancozeb) Group M |
1.1 to 3.25 kg/ha (0.44 to 1.3 kg/acre) |
30 |
Parasol F(copper hydroxide) |
2.3 L/ha (920 mL/acre) |
2 |
Cueva(copper octanoate) Group M1 Used in organics |
Use a 0.5% to 2% solution at 470 to 940 L/ha (190 to 380 L/acre) | 1 |
Copper oxychloride 50(copper oxychloride) |
4.0 kg/ha Apply in 1000 L/ha (405 L/acre) of water |
2 |
Dithane Rainshield(mancozeb) Group M3 |
3.25 kg/ha (1.3 kg/acre) |
30 |
Bravo 720(chlorothalonil)Group M5 |
1.7 to 2.8 L/ha |
1 |
Bravo ZN(chlorothalonil) Group M5 |
2.4 to 4.0 L/ha (1.0 to 1.6 L/acre) |
2 |
Bravo ZNC(chlorothalonil) Group M5 |
Echo 720(chlorothalonil) Group M5 |
1.7 to 2.8 L/ha (0.7 to 1.1 L/acre) |
1 |
LifeGard WG(Bacillus mycoides isolate J) Group P 06 Used in organics |
70 to 333 g/ha |
0 |
Inspire(difenoconazole) Group 3 |
292 to 512 mL/ha Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Aprovia(benzovindiflupyr) Group 7 |
500 to 750 mL/ha Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre of water) |
1 |
Aprovia Top(benzovindiflupyr/ difenoconazole) Group 7 & 3 |
643 to 967 mL/ha Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water |
1 |
Miravis Duo(pydiflumetofen & difenoconazole) Group 7 & 3 |
1 L/ha Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/ac) of water |
0 |
Lance WDG(boscalid) Group 7 |
175 to 315 g/ha (70 to 126 g/acre) Apply in at least 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Cantus WDG(boscalid) Group 7 |
175 to 315 g/ha (70 to 126 g/acre) Apply in at least 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Sercadis(fluxapyroxad) |
167 to 333 mL/ha (68 to 135 mL/acre) Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
7 |
Scala SC(pyrimethanil) Group 9 |
750 mL/ha Apply in 300 L/ha (120 L/acre) of water |
1 |
Reason 500SC(fenamidone) Group 11 Plus: Rainshield (mancozeb) Group M |
200 mL/ha Plus: |
14 |
Cabrio EG(pyraclostrobin) |
560 to 840 g/ha Apply in 225 L/ha (91 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Quadris F(axosystrobin) |
300 to 500 mL/ha (120 to 200 mL/acre) |
1 |
Quadris Top(azoxystrobin/ difenoconazole) Group 11 & 3 |
625 mL/ha Apply in at least 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water. |
1 |
Elatus(benzovindiflupyr/ azoxystrobin) Group 11 & 7 |
333 to 417 g/ha Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water. |
1 |
Tanos 50 DF(famoxadone / cymoxanil) |
560 to 840 g/ha (224 to 336 g/acre) Apply in at least 250 L/ha (100 L/acre) of water |
3 |
Diplomat 5SC(polyoxin D zinc salt)
Group 19
537 to 926 mL/ha
(217 to 375 mL/acre)
0 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada
OMRI-USA = Organic Materials Review Institute of USA
Late blight (Phytopthera)
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Timorex Gold(tea tree oil) Used in organics |
2.0 to 3.0L/ha (495 to 740 mL/acre) Apply in 400 to 1200 L/ha (160 to 485 L/acre) of water |
2 |
Taegro(Bacillus subtilis)
Used in organics
364 g/ha (147 g/acre) Apply in 935.4 L/ha (378.6 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Kocide 2000 - 0(copper hydroxide)
Group M
Used in organics
2.52 kg/ha ( 1.0 kg/acre) |
2 |
Bravo 720(chlorothalonil)Group M5 |
1.7 to 2.8 L/ha |
1 |
Bravo ZN(chlorothalonil) Group M5 |
2.4 to 4.0 L/ha (1.0 to 1.6 L/acre) |
2 |
Bravo ZNC(chlorothalonil) Group M5 |
Echo 720(chlorothalonil) Group M5 |
1.7 to 2.8 L/ha (0.7 to 1.1 L/acre) |
1 |
Copper 53W(tri-basic copper sulphate) |
4.5 kg/ha (1.8 kg/acre) |
2 |
Parasol F(copper hydroxide) |
2.3 L/ha (920 mL/acre) |
2 |
Copper oxychloride 50(copper oxychloride) |
4.0 kg/ha Apply in 1000 L/ha (405 L/acre) of water |
1 |
Cueva(copper octanoate) Group M1 Used in organics |
Use a 0.5% to 2% solution at 470 to 940 L/ha (190 to 380 L/acre) | 1 |
Dithane Rainshield(mancozeb) Group M3
3.25 kg/ha (1.3 kg/acre) |
30 |
Penncozeb 75DF(mancozeb) Group M |
1.1 to 3.25 kg/ha (0.44 to 1.3 kg/acre) |
30 |
Penncozeb 75DF Raincoat(mancozeb) Group M |
1.1 to 3.25 kg/ha (0.44 to 1.3 kg/acre) |
30 |
Reason 500SC(fenamidone) Group 11 Plus: Rainshield (mancozeb) Group M |
200 mL/ha Plus: |
14 |
LifeGard WG(Bacillus mycoides isolate J) Group P 06 Used in organics |
70 to 333 g/ha |
0 |
Cabrio EG(pyraclostrobin) |
560 to 1000 g/ha Apply in 225 L/ha (91 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Tanos 50 DF(famoxadone / cymoxanil) |
560 to 840 g/ha (224 to 336 g/acre) Apply in at least 250 L/ha (100 L/acre) of water |
3 |
Cyazofamid 400SC (formerly Ranman 400SC)(cyazofamid) Group 21 |
0.1 to 0.2 L/ha (40 to 81 mL /acre) Apply in 200 to 600 L/ha (80 to 240 L/acre) of water |
1 |
Torrent 400SC(cyazofamid) Group 21 |
0.1 to 0.2 L/ha (40 to 81 mL /acre) Apply in 200 to 600 L/ha (80 to 240 L/acre) of water |
1 |
Tattoo C(propamocarb HCl & chlorothalonil) Group 28 M Note: No longer produced. |
2.7 L/ha (1.1 L/acre) Apply in 200 to 300 L/ha (80 to 120 L/acre) of water |
5 |
Phostrol(mono- and dibasic sodium, potassium, and ammonium phosphites) Group 33 |
2.9 to 5.6 L/ha |
0 |
Confine Extra(mono- and di-potassium salts of phosphorous acid) Group 33 |
5 to 10 L/ha Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
1 |
Revus(mandipropamid) Group 40 |
400 to 600 mL/ha (160 to 240 mL/acre ) Apply in at least 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water |
1 |
Group 40
450 mL/ha Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water |
0 |
Zampro(ametoctradin & dimethomorph) Group 40 & 45 |
1.0 L/ha (400 mL /acre) Apply in at least 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water |
4 |
Presidio(fluopicolide) |
220 to 292 mL/ha (89 to 118 mL/acre) Apply in 200 to 1000L/ha (80 to 400 L/acre) of water |
2 |
Orondis Ultra(oxathiapiprolin & mandipropamid) Group 49 & 40 |
0.6 L/ha Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water. |
1 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada
OMRI-USA = Organic Materials Review Institute of USA
Blossom end rot
Rot starts as a small, water-soaked area at the blossom end which darkens and enlarges until fruit ripens. It is caused by undesirable environmental conditions, principally drought stress or excessive nitrogen fertilizer. Interior blossom end rot causes browning inside the fruit.
Maintain uniform moisture conditions throughout the growing season and avoid excessive nitrogen. Foliar applications of calcium chloride or calcium nitrate are rarely beneficial.
Blotchy ripening
Symptoms are irregular fruit ripening. It is caused by a variety of cultural conditions and there is no known control. It has been linked to potassium or boron deficiency and to high nitrogen levels which favor excessive growth.
Follow a well-balanced fertilizer program. Some varieties appear to be less susceptible than others.
Boron deficiency
Young plants show purple stems and petioles. Growth is slow. On mature plants, fruits show coarse brown russetting, distortion and cracking on russetted areas.
For ground application rates, consult the Boron table in the Vegetable Production Guide: Nutrient Management (PDF). For foliar application, spray plants during June with Solubor at 1.1 to 1.7 kg/ha (0.4 to 0.7 kg/acre) in 1,000 L/ha (400 L/acre) of water. Foliar applications are preferable where beans or cucumbers are likely to follow tomatoes.
Chemical fruit ripening
Use Ethrel for uniform ripening for once-over harvest and to enhance ripening in late varieties or during late seasons or when ripening is delayed. Apply when 5 to 30 percent of the fruit is red or partly red. The key to good results is good coverage. Use 3.75 to 6.4 L/ha (1.5 to 2.6 L/acre) in 30 to 500 L/ha (12 to 200 L/acre) of water.
Use the higher rate when day temperatures are less than 18°C and tomato growth is dense. Harvest fruit at proper maturity, generally 14 to 21 days after treatment. Observe treated fruit frequently for condition of crop. Cool temperatures can slow colour development and extend period between treatment and harvest. Fruit does not appreciably increase in size after Ethrel treatment.