Information about growing and producing radish in B.C. Includes guidance for planting and managing weeds, insects and disease.
Cherry Belle, Monica, Tinto, Red Satin, Kasper.
Mino Summer Cross, Everest.
Relish Cross, April Cross, Omny.
See your seed dealer for the most recent variety recommendations.
Seed Treatment
Use only hot-water-treated seed when planting into new land where radishes have not been grown. If damping-off has been a problem, treat seed with Thiram seed protectant, according to label directions.
Use a drill with a scatter shoe to drop 21 seeds 15 mm deep every 25 cm of row. Space rows 20 cm apart.
A soil test is necessary to determine phosphate and potash requirements. Use the Vegetable Production Guide: Nutrient Management (PDF) for recommendations based on soil test results.
Broadcast and incorporate 70 kg/ha (28 kg/acre) nitrogen and all of the required phosphate and potash.
If fertilizer is to be banded at time of seeding, rates greater than 70 kg/ha (28 kg/acre) of potash should be broadcast and incorporated prior to seeding.
Roundup may be used as a pre-emergence treatment to kill all weeds present, prior to planting.
Root Maggots
Small flies lay eggs in soil near plants throughout the season. White maggots tunnel and etch surface of roots, making them unmarketable.
See table below. For Lo Bok recommendations, see the Specialty Vegetables section of this guide.
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Verimark(cyantraniliprole) |
10 to 15 mL of water per 100 m of row | 21 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).
Black Root (Aphanomyces)
Black, constricted bands girdle roots.
Grow only small globe-type varieties, as they are not seriously damaged. In new land, where the disease has not occurred, use hot-water-treated seed to avoid introducing the fungus. Diseased refuse should be plowed under deeply. Provide good soil drainage and follow a 4-year rotation.
Downy Mildew (Peronospora)
Downy mildew frequently occurs in late summer and fall, and shows as a white, fuzzy fungus in patches on the undersides of leaves and rough blackened patches on roots.
Product | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Ridomil Gold 480 SL(metalaxyl – M & S Isomer) |
1.2 to 2.4 L/ha (480 to 980 mL/acre) |
21 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).