PARP Hearings and Hearing Types

Last updated on June 6, 2022

Property Assessment Reviews are conducted using the PARP Online Evidence Submission System (POESS) and conference calls. All evidence is uploaded to the POESS system, no matter if the complainant will call into the hearing or not. If the complainant does not call in, then the hearing will be conducted as a written hearing:

To learn about each of these different types of hearings, please click on the type of hearing you wish to read about and you will jump to the applicable description.

Who conducts a hearing

  • PARPs are the first level of review in the property assessment complaint and appeal process.
  • A PARP hearing is a semi-formal, administrative tribunal, presided over by a panel of 3 people (a Chair and 2 members), appointed by the Minister of Finance.

Purpose of the hearing

  • PARPs have the authority to investigate and adjudicate property assessments. Their purpose is to ensure that property assessments reflect actual (market) value. They also ensure that assessments are applied consistently within a municipality or rural area. They do this by reviewing and making decisions on formal complaints filed by the public.

Typical PARP hearings

  • A typical PARP hearing is 30 minutes in length. In order to maintain a 30 minute hearing, it is imperative that a hearing be kept on track and on topic, this responsibilty lies with the Chair of the panel.
  • The Chair must follow a hearing guideline that ensures all the required procedural steps have been met for an equitable, accessible and independent review.

The hearing allows:

  • (4 minutes*) Process and Introductions: Call hearing to order, explain hearing procedures, introductions of panel, BC Assessment representative and complainant and request for recommendation;
  • (8 minutes*) Complainant Presentation: Complainant presents their evidence to panel and then an opportunity for BC Assessment and panel members to ask questions; BC Assessment is asked if there is a reconsideration of recommendation;
  • (8 minutes*) BC Assessment Presentation: BC Assessment presents their evidence to panel and then an opportunity for complainant and panel members to ask questions;
  • (6 minutes*) Questions and Deliberations: Panel deliberates and comes to a decision;
  • (4 minutes*) Panel Decision communicated: Panel communicates the decision verbally to the parties. The panel may answer questions to clarify or briefly explain the decision. The panel then completes all relevant paperwork and the hearing is concluded.

* times shown are an estimation and may vary depending on overall time of hearing and how each Panel allocates time

Please follow this link to access a printable (PDF) version of the "What happens at your PARP hearing" breakdown sheet.