Ministries currently enrolled in CMS Lite Forms

Last updated on August 2, 2022

The following ministries are currently enrolled in the CMS Lite service as of April 1, 2022.


Ministry of Citizens Services

6 Users: Karim Gillani, Aiden In, Robert J Rabb, Sumathi Thirumani, Sumeet Wadhwa, Mark Wilson (plus GDX staff)
Contact: Shane Passmore (778-974-2836)
Expense Authority: Cheryl Haight


Ministry of Health

3 Users: Kimber-Lea Fiege, Tami Hayes, Allie Young
Contact: Brent Sisco (250-952-2822)
Expense Authority: Eddy Piasentin


Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General

5 Users: Jennifer Curll, Steve Forsyth, Andrea Kolot, Jonathan Longe, Andrew Mitchell
Contact: Andrea Kolot (778-677-4779)
Expense Authority:  Frances Sasvari


Is your ministry listed? Get user access through your ministry's contact.

Is your ministry not listed? It may be in the process of onboarding or still need to enroll.

Is the information no longer current? Contacts or Expense Authorities may advise us of any updates required by contacting the GDX Service Desk.