A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Head of Consular Post: | Ramin Manawi |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Afghanistan 7825 Edmonds Street Burnaby, BC V3N 1B9 |
Phone: | 604 553-3158 |
Fax: | 604 553-4726 |
Email: | afghanconsulvan@gmail.com |
For more information, view the Afghanistan fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Vacant |
For more information, view the Albania fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Ricardo Arredondo |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Argentina 407 - 860 Homer Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2W5 |
Email: | cgvan@mrecic.gov.ar |
For more information, view the Argentina fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Vacant |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Australia Suite 2050, 1075 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 3C9 |
Phone: | 604 694-6160 ext. 6170 |
Fax: | 604 684-1856 |
For more information, view the Australia fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | David Haber |
Rank: | Honorary Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Austria 1160 - 595 Howe Street Vancouver, BC V6C 2T5 |
Phone: | 604 687-3338 |
Fax: | 888 665-4615 |
Email: | austrianconsulatebc@gmail.com |
For more information, view the Austria fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Marilyn Elaine Moseley |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Barbados 19984 76 Avenue Langley, BC V2Y 1S1 |
Phone: | 604 533-4622 |
Fax: | 604 533-9864 |
For more information, view the Barbados fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Monique Poncelet-Gheleyns |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Belgium 166 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1R8 |
Phone: | 604 879-7782 |
Fax: | 604 879-7260 |
Email: | moniqueponcelet@shaw.ca |
For more information, view the Belgium fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Mido Rakocevic DeSanti |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Bosnia and Herzegovina Suite 2400, 1055 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 3P3 |
Phone: | 778-302-7546 |
Email: | consul@bcbih.com |
For more information, view the Bosnia and Herzegovina fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Nestor José Forster Junior |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Brazil Suite 1050, 1111 Melville Street Vancouver, BC V6E 3V6 |
Phone: | 604 696-5311 |
Fax: | 604 696-5366 |
Email: | cg.vancouver@itamaraty.gov.br |
For more information, view the Brazil fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Byong Gil Suh |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Bulgaria 2571 Smith Street Richmond, BC V6X 2J1 |
Phone: | 604 657-5578 |
Fax: | 604 273-5356 |
Email: | ronsuh@hotmail.com |
For more information, view the Bulgaria fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Allan Najum |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Chile Suite 1610, 1185 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4E6 |
Phone: | 604 681-9162 |
Fax: | 604 687-0624 |
Email: | vancouver@consulado.gob.cl |
Head of Consular Post: | Leopoldo Eric Bustos-Arevalo |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Chile 115 - 3954 Cedar Hill Road Victoria, BC V8N 3B9 |
Phone: | 778 433-4502 |
Email: | hconsulofchile@gmail.com |
For more information, view the Chile fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Shu Yang |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of China 3380 Granville Street Vancouver, BC V6H 3K3 |
Phone: | 604 734-7492 |
Fax: | 604 736-4343 |
Email: | chinaconsul_van_ca@mfa.gov.cn |
For more information, view the China fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Jorge Humberto Ojeda Bueno |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Colombia Suite 1340, 1090 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 3V7 |
Phone: | 604 558-1775 |
Fax: | 604 566-9740 |
Email: | cvancouver@cancilleria.gov.co |
For more information, view the Colombia fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Antonio Arreaga-Valdés |
Rank: | Honorary Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Costa Rica PO Box 16076 North Vancouver, BC V7J 3S9 |
Phone: | 604 983-2152 |
Email: | consulado.vancouvercr@gmail.com |
For more information, view the Costa Rica fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | John Bell |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Côte d'Ivoire 48 - 4100 Salish Drive Vancouver, BC V6N 3M2 |
Phone: | 778 241-7922 |
Fax: | 604 266-6529 |
For more information, view the Côte d'Ivoire fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Manjot S. Hallen |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Croatia 5th Floor, 720 Robson Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1A1 |
Phone: | 604 737-3300 |
Fax: | 604 737-3017 |
Email: | mhallen@warnetthallen.com |
For more information, view the Croatia fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Kiriaki Kaity Arsoniadis |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Cyprus 1950 Allison Road Vancouver, BC, V6T 1T3 |
Phone: | 604 808-5253 |
Email: | katekaity@icloud.com |
For more information, view the Cyprus fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Russell Banzet |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Czechia Suite 36, 404-999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3E2 |
Phone: | 604 830-4529 |
Email: | Vancouver.Honorary@mzv.gov.cz |
Head of Consular Post: | Olena Lenka Storzer |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Czechia 1652 Mountbatten Place Victoria, BC V8S 5J9 |
Phone: | 250 360-7418 |
For more information, view the Czechia fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Mikkel Høegholm Strøjer |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Denmark Suite 300, 1275 West 6th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1A6 |
Phone: | 604 676-1505 |
Fax: | 604 985-2855 |
Email: | vancouver@umgate.dk |
For more information, view the Denmark fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Cesar Augusto Orellana Murillos |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of El Salvador Suite 602, 1111 Melville Street Vancouver, BC V6E 3V6 |
Phone: | 604 732-8142 |
Fax: | 604 696-0038 |
Email: | consuladovancouver@rree.gob.sv |
For more information, view the El Salvador fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Evaleen Jaager Roy |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Estonia 3062 West 36th Ave Vancouver, BC V6N 2R5 |
Phone: | 604 889-3969 |
Email: | ejaager@outlook.com |
For more information, view the Estonia fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Pradeep Keshva Naicker |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Fiji 4307 Percival Avenue Burnaby, BC V5G 3S4 |
Phone: | 604 230-4448 |
For more information, view the Fiji fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Tom Nyberg |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Finland Suite 1480, 1188 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4A2 |
Phone: | 604 688-4483 |
Email: | vancouver.ott@formin.fi |
For more information, view the Finland fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Nicolas Baudouin |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of France Suite 1100, 1130 West Pender St Vancouver, BC V6E 4A4 |
Phone: | 604 637-5300 |
Fax: | 604 637-5301 |
Email: | barbara.clerc-renaud@diplomatie.gouv.fr |
Head of Consular Post: | Geoffroy de Nanteuil |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of France 3949 Margot Place Victoria, BC V8P 3M2 |
Phone: | 250 886-0457 |
Email: | consulhonorairefrance@gmail.com |
For more information, view the France fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Marc Eichhorn |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Germany Suite 704, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3E1 |
Phone: | 604 684-8377 |
Fax: | 604 684-8334 |
Email: | info@vancouver.diplo.de |
For more information, view the Germany fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Joseph Yaw Frimpong |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Ghana 6771 144th Street Surrey, BC V3S 0T3 |
Phone: | 604 441-4576 |
Email: | honconsulgeneral@shaw.ca |
For more information, view the Ghana fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Dimitrios Skoutas |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Greece Suite 500, 688 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1P1 |
Phone: | 604 681-1381 |
Fax: | 604 681-6656 |
Email: | vancouver@mfa.gr |
For more information, view the Greece fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Mynor Joel Aguirre Medina |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Guatemala Suite 1270, 1188 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4A2 |
Phone: | 604 412-2401 |
Email: | consvancouver@minex.gob.gt |
For more information, view the Guatemala fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Valèr Palkovits |
Rank: | Consul General (Toronto) |
Mailing Address: | Vice-Consulate of Hungary Suite 701, 808 Nelson Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2H2 |
Phone: | 604 258-9658 |
Fax: | 604 623-2921 |
Email: | mission.van@mfa.gov.hu |
For more information, view the Hungary fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Glenn Sigurdson |
Rank: | Honorary Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Iceland 308 Moyne Drive West Vancouver, BC V7S 1J5 |
Phone: | 604 688-4678 |
For more information, view the Iceland fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Masakui Rungsung |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of India Suite 201, 325 Howe Street Vancouver, BC V6C 1Z7 |
Phone: | 604 662-8811 |
Fax: | 604 682-3556 |
Email: | cg.vancouver@mea.gov.in |
For more information, view the India fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Hendra Halim |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Indonesia 1630 Alberni Street Vancouver, BC V6G 1A6 |
Phone: | 604 682-8855 |
Fax: | 604 662-8396 |
Email: | congen@indonesiavancouver.org |
For more information, view the Indonesia fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Catherine Geagan |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Ireland Suite 1300, 1095 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2M6 |
Phone: | 604 696-3266 |
Email: | vancouvercg@dfa.ie |
For more information, view the Ireland fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Paolo Miraglia Del Giudice |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Italy Suite 840, 1140 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4G1 |
Phone: | 604 684-7288 |
Fax: | 604 685-4263 |
Email: | consolato.vancouver@esteri.it |
Head of Consular Post: | Vacant |
For more information, view the Italy fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | June Nellie Petal Francis |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Jamaica 999 West Broadway, Suite 720 Vancouver, BC V5Z 1K5 |
Phone: | 604 733-5289 |
Email: | francis@sfu.ca |
Head of Consular Post: | Vacant |
For more information, view the Jamaica fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Yoshiaki Takahashi |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Japan Suite 900,1177 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2K9 |
Phone: | 604 684-5868 |
Fax: | 604 684-6939 |
Email: | cgoffice@vc.mofa.go.jp |
Head of Consular Post: | David Byng |
Rank: | Honorary Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Japan 2588 Crystalview Drive Victoria, BC V9B 6M9 |
Phone: | 250 889-1016 |
Email: | dbyng@shaw.ca |
For more information, view the Japan fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Vacant |
For more information, view the Jordan fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Darren E.C. Klinck |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Kazakhstan Suite 1605, 777 Dunsmuir Street Vancouver, BC V7Y 1G6 |
Phone: | 604 336-8092 |
Email: | dklinck@westcottcapital.com |
For more information, view the Kazakhstan fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | George Imbenzi |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Kenya 2864 Cottonwood Street Abbotsford, BC V4X 1K5 |
Phone: | 778 786-2562 |
Fax: | 778 857-1467 |
Email: | kenyaconsulate.bc@rogers.com |
For more information, view the Kenya fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Jongho Kyun |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Korea Suite 1600, 1090 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 3V7 |
Phone: | 604 681-9581 |
Fax: | 604 681-4864 |
Email: | vancouver@mofa.go.kr |
For more information, view the Korea fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | John Phanthoupheng |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Laos 5080 - 8171 Ackroyd Road Richmond, BC V6X 3K1 |
Phone: | 236 235-5828 |
Email: | john@laoconsulatevancouver.ca |
For more information, view the Laos fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Vacant |
For more information, view the Latvia fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Nicholas Kahwaji |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Lebanon 84 Timbercrest Drive Port Moody, BC V3H 4T1 |
Phone: | 604 773-1462 |
Fax: | 604 461-9528 |
Email: | Nick.Kahwaji@VanLebConsulate.com |
For more information, view the Lebanon fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Christopher Juras |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Lithuania 1088 Salsbury Drive Vancouver, BC V5L 4A7 |
Phone: | 604 786-2046 |
Email: | chrisjuras@telus.net |
For more information, view the Lithuania fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Ron Bozzer |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Luxembourg 1301-808 Nelson Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2H2 |
Phone: | 778 309-9963 |
Fax: | 604 668-8491 |
Email: | vancouver@consul-hon.lu |
For more information, view the Luxembourg fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Mohd Afandi Bin Abu Bakar |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Malaysia Suite 1805, 111 West Georgia Street Vancouver BC, V6E 4M3 |
Phone: | 604 685-9550 |
Fax: | 604 685-9520 |
Email: | mwvancouver@kln.gov.my |
For more information, view the Malaysia fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Francis Tin |
Rank: | Honorary Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Mali 9115 Jaskow G.T. Richmond, BC V7E 5H6 |
Fax: | 604 277-2984 |
For more information, view the Mali fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Stephen Douglas Holmes |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Malta Suite 2300, 925 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3L2 |
Phone: | 604 685-8186 |
Fax: | 604 685-8187 |
Email: | maltaconsul.vancouver@gov.mt |
For more information, view the Malta fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Nittin K. Reebye |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Mauritius 2902-837 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3N7 |
Phone: | 778 861-5224 |
Email: | reebyenittin@gmail.com |
For more information, view the Mauritius fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Olga Beatriz Garcia Guillen |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Mexico Suite 411, 1177 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2K3 |
Phone: | 604 684-1859 |
Fax: | 604 684-2485 |
Email: | consulmexvan@sre.gob.mx |
For more information, view the Mexico fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Jacques Becker |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Monaco Suite 6004, 1128 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 0A8 |
Phone: | 778 379-0460 |
Email: | consul@monaco-vancouver.ca |
For more information, view the Monaco fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Charles Scott McVean Shepherd |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Mongolia 1518 West 36th Ave Vancouver, BC V6M 1J8 |
Phone: | 604 805-4041 |
Email: | sshepherdcdn@icloud.com |
For more information, view the Mongolia fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Kaare Glenne Foy |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Montenegro 1053 Marinaside Crescent Vancouver, BC V6Z 3A5 |
Phone: | 604 838-9666 |
Email: | kfoy@consulmontenegro.com |
For more information, view the Montenegro fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Christa Kucey |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Morocco 15046 Victoria Avenue White Rock, BC V4B 1G3 |
Phone: | 604 725-1980 |
Email: | ckucey@gmail.com |
For more information, view the Morocco fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Peter Chung |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Myanmar Suite 4804, 1128 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 0A8 |
Phone: | 604 681-0022 |
Fax: | 604 915-7290 |
Email: | Chairman.Office@primacorpventures.com |
For more information, view the Myanmar fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Christopher Considine |
Rank: | Honorary Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Nepal 30 Dallas Road Victoria, BC V8V 0A2 |
Phone: | 250 381-7788 |
Fax: | 250 381-1042 |
Email: | cmconsidine@considinelaw.com |
For more information, view the Nepal fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Sebastiaan Messerschmidt |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of the Netherlands Three Bentall Centre Suite 883, 595 Burrard Street P.O. Box 49068 Vancouver, BC V7X 1C4 |
Phone: | 604 684-6448 |
Fax: | 604 684-3549 |
Email: | van@minbuza.nl |
For more information, view the Netherlands fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Rhea Cowell |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of New Zealand Suite 2250, 1050 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 3S7 |
Phone: | 604 684-7388 |
Fax: | 604 684-7333 |
Email: | vancouveroffice@nzte.govt.nz |
For more information, view the New Zealand fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Randall J. Kaardal |
Rank: | Honorary Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Norway Suite 1480, 1188 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4A2 |
Phone: | 604 682-7977 |
Fax: | 604 685-8434 |
Email: | nor-congeneral@telus.net |
For more information, view the Norway fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Vacant |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Pakistan 201 - 1281 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 3J7 |
Phone: | 604 569-1415 |
Fax: | 604 568-2180 |
Email: | parepvancouver@mofa.gov.pk |
For more information, view the Pakistan fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Edel Marie Garcia Castillo |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Panama Suite 500, 666 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3P6 |
Phone: | 778 370-1415 |
Email: | panamaconsulatebc@outlook.com |
For more information, view the Panama fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Luis Fernando Villalba Ocampo |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Paraguay 8812 Centaurus Circle Burnaby, BC V3J 1C1 |
Phone: | 604 440-1644 |
Email: | lvillalb@capilanou.ca |
For more information, view the Paraguay fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Francisco Javier Pella Plenge |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Peru 502 – 1166 Alberni Street Vancouver, BC V7X V6E 3Z3 |
Phone: | 604 662-8880 |
Fax: | 604 662-3564 |
Email: | infovan@conpervan.ca |
For more information, view the Peru fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Gina Jamoralin |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of the Philippines Suite 660, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3E1 |
Phone: | 604 685-7645 |
Fax: | 604 685-9945 |
Email: | vancouverpcg@telus.net |
For more information, view the Philippines fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Aleksandra Kucy |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Poland Suite 1600, 1177 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2K3 |
Phone: | 604 688-3530 |
Fax: | 604 688-3537 |
Email: | vancouver.info@msz.gov.pl |
For more information, view the Poland fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | João Paulo Barbosa da Costa |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Portugal Suite 920, 925 West Georgia Vancouver, BC V6C 3L2 |
Phone: | 604 688-6514 |
Fax: | 604 685-7042 |
Email: | consulado.vancouver@mne.pt |
Website: | https://www.vancouver.consuladoportugal.mne.pt/en/ |
For more information, view the Portugal fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Gabriel Rotaru |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Romania Suite 855 - 555 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V7X 1M8 |
Phone: | 604 564-9186 |
Fax: | 604 633-0757 |
Email: | vancouver@mae.ro |
For more information, view the Romania fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Vacant |
For more information, view the Russia fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | David Varty |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Senegal Suite 300, 1055 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2E9 |
Phone: | 604 684-5356 |
Fax: | 604 608-3256 |
Email: | dvarty@vartylaw.ca |
For more information, view the Senegal fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Peter Vladikovic |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Serbia 7411 Vantage Way, Delta, BC V4G 1C9 |
Phone: | 604 940-3838 |
Fax: | 604 946-5418 |
Email: | consul@serbianconsulate.bc.ca |
For more information, view the Serbia fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Terrance Salman |
Rank: | Honorary Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Singapore Suite 1405, 1166 Alberni Street Vancouver, BC V6E 3Z3 |
Phone: | 604 622-5281 |
Fax: | 604 685-2471 |
Email: | vansgmfa@gmail.com |
For more information, view the Singapore fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Pavol Hollosy |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of the Slovak Republic 8691 Allison Street Richmond, BC V6Y 3H9 |
Phone: | 604 277-5774 |
Email: | phollosy@gmail.com |
For more information, view the Slovak Republic fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Margaret Rudolf |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Slovenia 5361A Montiverdi Place West Vancouver, BC V7W 2W8 |
Phone: | 778 919-4701 |
Email: | sloveniaconsulbc@gmail.com |
For more information, view the Slovenia fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Ashwant Dwivedi |
Rank: | Honorary Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Solomon Islands Suite 500, 666 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3P6 |
Phone: | 604 638-6548 |
Fax: | 604 637-9616 |
Email: | dwivedi@siconsulate.com |
For more information, view the Solomon Islands fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Ana Isabel Barrado Gil |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Spain 2185 Capilano Road North Vancouver, BC V7P 3C1 |
Phone: | 604 734-7492 |
Fax: | 604 736-4343 |
Email: | chspainbc@gmail.com |
For more information, view the Spain fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | James (Jim) Alan Bennett |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Sri Lanka 25-8250 158th Street Surrey BC, V4N 0R5 |
Phone: | 236 513-4744 |
Email: | srilankaconsul@gmail.com |
For more information, view the Sri Lanka fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Carina Ros-Britt Spencer |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Sweden Suite 1480, 1188 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4A2 |
Phone: | 604 683-5838 |
Fax: | 604 687-8237 |
Email: | vancouver@swedishconsulates.ca |
For more information, view the Sweden fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Thomas Peter Schneider |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Switzerland Suite 790, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3E1 |
Phone: | 604 684-2231 |
Fax: | 604 684-2806 |
Email: | vancouver@eda.admin.ch |
For more information, view the Switzerland fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Sawsan A. Habbal |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Syria Suite 2602, 1151 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 0B3 |
Phone: | 604 838-3896 |
Fax: | 604 682-3161 |
Website: | www.honoraryconsulforsyriainbc.ca |
For more information, view the Syria fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Thanapol Wang-Om-Klang |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Thailand 1040 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2R9 |
Phone: | 604 687-1143 |
Fax: | 604 687-4434 |
Email: | info@thaiconsulatevancouver.ca |
For more information, view the Thailand fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Lyall Knott |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Tunisia Suite 900, 885 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3H1 |
Phone: | 604 643-3129 |
Fax: | 604 687-6314 |
Email: | lknott@cwilson.com |
For more information, view the Tunisia fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Hüseyin Emrah Kurt |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Türkiye Suite 303, 1111 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4M3 |
Phone: | 604 416-0366 |
Fax: | 604 416-0355 |
Email: | consulate.vancouver@mfa.gov.tr |
For more information, view the Türkiye fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Vacant |
For more information, view the Uganda fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Lubomyr Huculak |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Ukraine Suite 807, 938 Howe Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1N9 |
Phone: | 604 331-2505 |
Fax: | 604 331-2515 |
Email: | huculak@smartt.email |
For more information, view the Ukraine fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Thomas Codrington |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of the United Kingdom Suite 800, 1111 Melville Street Vancouver, BC V6E 3V6 |
Phone: | 604 683-4421 |
Fax: | 604 681-0693 |
Email: | ukincanada@fco.gov.uk |
For more information, view the United Kingdom fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | James P. DeHart |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of the United States of America 112-1231 Pacific Boulevard Vancouver, BC V6Z 0E2 |
Phone: | 604 685-4311 |
Fax: | 604 685-5285 |
Email: | Case specific visa inquiries: vancouverNIV@state.gov Fiancée visa inquiries: vancouverK@state.gov Passport and citizenship inquiries: vancouverACS@state.gov |
For more information, view the United States of America fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Ricky Brar |
Rank: | Honorary Consul |
Mailing Address: | Consulate of Uruguay Suite 610, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4 |
Phone: | 855 927-2476 |
Email: | cdvancouver@mrree.gub.uy |
For more information, view the Uruguay fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Vacant |
For more information, view the Venezuela fact sheet.
Head of Consular Post: | Thu Kieu Phan |
Rank: | Consul General |
Mailing Address: | Consulate General of Vietnam Suite 800, 605 Robson Street Vancouver, BC V6B 5J3 |
Phone: | 604 629-0189 |
Fax: | 604 681-2906 |
Email: | consul.vancouver@mofa.gov.vn |
For more information, view the Vietnam fact sheet.