Submit a nomination

Last updated on March 6, 2025

Nominate someone who has served their community with the greatest humility without expectation of reward or recognition. Any individual or group may submit a nomination.

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Individuals, couples, organizations or groups of three or more may be nominated for serving their community with the greatest humility without expectation of reward or recognition. To submit a joint nomination, fill out one nomination form specifying both names of the nominees.

Any current or former long-term resident of British Columbia is eligible for nomination for the B.C. Medal of Good Citizenship:

  • Child and youth nominations are welcome (ages under 25)
  • Individuals and couples can be nominated
  • Organizations or groups of three or more individuals may be considered
  • Nominations are accepted posthumously for the Medal of Good Citizenship

You can't nominate yourself for the medal. Nominations for elected representatives or members of the judiciary who still hold office will not be accepted. If someone is nominated more than once, only the first nomination received will be considered. The medal isn't for acts of bravery.

Examples of potential nominees include local community volunteers or those serving on the board of a non-profit without any payment.

Write a nomination

Before you submit a nomination, find out how to write a compelling nomination (PDF).

Your nomination must:

  • Briefly explain why you are nominating this person (10 words)
  • Describe their achievements (maximum 500 words)
  • Include at least two signed testimonials from two separate individuals other than the nominator (but not more than 6)

When you describe the nominee's achievements, you should explain:

  • How their achievements emphasize and encourage the virtue of good citizenship
  • The impact of their achievements and how it enriched the lives of others
  • What made their achievements outstanding
  • Any extraordinary circumstances or challenges the nominee faced
  • How the nominee has touched the lives of others, or your own
  • How long you have known the nominee
  • When the achievements started and ended

You can also share examples of ongoing leadership and dedication, statistics or the nominee's personal history.

Submit a nomination

There are two options to submit a nomination, using our online form or through email.

Nominations are accepted throughout the year on an on-going basis.

Use the online form

Nominate someone for the medal It takes about 15 minutes. 

The nomination form works best using Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari.

By email

You can also fill out a B.C. Medal of Good Citizenship Nomination Form (PDF). The nomination must be submitted by email to and include:

  •   Signed nomination form
  •   Description of achievement
  •   Two signed testimonials from two separate individuals other than the nominator

If you don't submit your nomination as a complete package, it may be declined.

Please do not inform the nominee of their nomination. The large number of applications we receive means that the medal cannot be awarded to all nominees.

Nominations are confidential and used only by the selection committee. If more than one nomination is submitted for the same nominee, only the first nomination received will be considered. Should your nominee be unsuccessful, you will be informed by letter and have the option to carry forward your nomination for consideration in the following year’s selection process.


Signatures are required on nomination forms and letters of support, however we will accept faxed and e-mailed signatures.  

According to the Electronic Transactions Act:

11 (1) If there is a requirement under law for the signature of a person, that requirement is satisfied by an electronic signature. "electronic signature" means information in electronic form that a person has created or adopted in order to sign a record and that is in, attached to or associated with the record.

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