RSBC health fee group invoices

Publication date: July 13, 2021

Schools and school districts that are MSP Group Plan administrators can request to set up group billing to pay the Health Fee on behalf of their international students.

How to set up health fee group billing

To request group billing for your international students’ health fee, the school or school district must first be set up as an MSP Group Plan administrator. To get set up or confirm your status as an MSP Group Plan administrator, call Health Insurance BC.

Once confirmed, call Revenue Services of BC (RSBC) and request group billing for the health fee. Have your group name and group number ready when you call RSBC.

How to pay a health fee group invoice

Health fee group invoices must be paid by cheque. When sending payment, include:

  1. Cheque, payable to the Ministry of Finance
  2. Remittance stub detached from your invoice
  3. The list of students included in your group invoice from RSBC

If there is a discrepancy between the invoice amount and the amount you are paying, indicate this on the student list sent with your payment.

Important: Only send payment for students who are in your group for the current month.

Keep your list of students up to date. If you add students to this month’s list, you will be billed for them in a future month.

Send your cheque, remittance stub, and list of international students to:

Revenue Services of BC
PO Box 9489 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9W6