Find information that's already been requested from government or check the status of an information request.
Last updated: March 19, 2025
Non-personal records that have been requested through a freedom of information request are posted on the B.C. government website after they're released to the person who requested them.
Some content may be withheld from records for reasons related to safety, protecting personal privacy, causing unreasonable harm to another government, First Nation or business, or any content that is subject to copyright laws. Review the exemption criteria outlined in the the ministerial directive: 02-2018: Records Released in Response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) Request (PDF, 47KB).
Every week, the B.C. government provides a summary of all open information requests.
The status for each request follows the process to release information.
Check the status of requests (86KB, XLS)
Read the ministerial directive: 01-2018: Summaries of Open and Closed Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests (PDF, 55KB)
The B.C. government provides data from the system used to track requests for records.
FOIPPA Annual report
Every year the provincial government reports on the work completed under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act:
Historical data
Find data about all information requests since the 2010/2011 fiscal year: Search the BC Data Catalogue.
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