AccessibleBC: B.C.’s Accessibility Plan for 2022-23 to 2024-25

Last updated on September 16, 2024

Government has set actions to carry out the Accessible B.C. Act (the law) from June 2021 to March 31, 2022.

On this page

Annual Report 2021-22

Accessibility Directorate

  • In fall 2021, government established the Accessibility Directorate
    • This team works across government and with people with disabilities to carry out the law

Provincial Accessibility Committee

  • On December 3, 2021, the Minister chose 11 people for the Provincial Accessibility Committee
  • Members on the committee are people with disabilities or support people with disabilities
  • Some members are people of colour or are Indigenous
  • The membership of the committee reflects the diversity of British Columbians
  • The committee met in January and in March
    • The committee is co-chaired by Spring Hawes and Dan Coulter
      • Dan Coulter is the Parliamentary Secretary for Accessibility
  • The committee works with government to carry out the law
    • It will help develop accessibility standards in areas like employment, education and transportation

Government’s feedback tool

  • People can use the tool to let us know about barriers using government services and programs
    • It will help government to identify, prevent and remove barriers
  • Feedback will help government in making its services and programs more accessible
    • It will also inform future government accessibility plans
  • You can submit your feedback online

Government’s accessibility plan

  • From September 2021 to March 2022, government worked with the Provincial Accessibility Committee to create the plan
    • The plan shows government’s priorities from April 2022 to March 2025

AccessibleBC Regulation

  • In September 1, 2022, over 750 organizations will have to develop an accessibility committee, accessibility plan and public feedback tool
    • They will have at least one year to complete this
  • Government gave $3 million to Disability Alliance BC to help organizations set up a committee, plan and feedback tool

Recognition of AccessAbility Week

  • AccessAbility Week promotes inclusion and accessibility
    • The week also celebrates people in the disability community
  • In 2021, the province proclaimed May 30 to June 5, 2021, as AccessAbility week
    • This was also National AccessAbility Week and National Indigenous AccessAbility Week
  • Government gave $500,000 to Disability Alliance BC for community-based accessibility projects
  • In 2022, government formalized the dates of AccessAbility Week

Accessibility standards

  • In March 2022, members of the Provincial Accessibility Committee discussed how to decide which standards to develop first
    • The committee provided their advice to the Minister
    • It is the Minister who will make the final decision

Work with Advisory Committees

In 2021/22, the Accessibility Directorate supported the following advisory committees:

  • Presidents Group: A group of business leaders working to make workplaces more accessible
    • They provide tools to help other businesses hiring people with disabilities
  • Registered Disability Savings Plan Action Group: The group works to help people with disabilities sign-up for a Registered Disability Savings Plan
  • COVID-19 Disability Working Group: This now disbanded group gave advice to government during the pandemic

Introduction to B.C.’s accessibility plan

The Government of British Columbia is working towards being an inclusive province. There are over 926,000 people with disability in B.C. In June 2021, the Accessible B.C. Act became law. It provides a framework to identify, remove, and prevent barriers to accessibility. The new law is an important step to make B.C. a more accessible province.

Under the law, the government needs to create an accessibility plan. The plan will be updated every three years. Government and the Provincial Accessibility Committee worked together to create this plan. The committee will continue to provide advice to government on this plan.

What are examples of barriers?


When people think and act based upon false ideas, like:

  • Making decisions about people with disabilities without including them
  • Not believing that a person with a disability can contribute to the workforce


When obstacles make access difficult, like:

  • A washroom with an accessible stall but no automatic door opener
  • Hosting a meeting in a space with no wheelchair access

Information or communication

When communication methods do not reach people with disabilities, like:

  • Using small print or not providing large-print versions of material
  • Videos, events, or meetings that do not have closed captions


When an organization’s policies or procedures aren’t inclusive, like:

  • Not providing an American Sign Language interpreter or closed captioning
  • Requiring a driver’s licence for a job when another form of transportation could be used


When technology can’t be accessed by people with disabilities, like:

  • Websites, documents, or databases that are not accessible for screen readers
  • Website graphs and charts do not have text to explain them


When lights, sounds or smells prevent participation in the environment, like:

  • Co-workers wearing perfume in the workplace
  • Use of fluorescent lighting in the workplace

Actions to date

Accessibility is a journey. Over the last few years, government has worked to make government services more accessible. Actions include:  

  • Provided funding to colleges, universities and partners in 2021 to help students with disabilities
  • Launched a program to deliver high-speed internet to rural and remote areas
  • Launched the Accessibility and Inclusion Toolkit to help people create more accessible digital content
  • Worked with the Rick Hansen Foundation to remove barriers in government buildings
  • Engaged with the public about accessibility requirements in the BC Building Code
  • Increased funding for the At Home Program
    • This program provides medical equipment for children and youth with complex care needs
  • Increased inclusive child care for about 2,000 more children
  • Launched the Inclusive Child Care Toolkit to support inclusive practices in childcare settings
  • Launched the Foundations of Inclusive Child Care Training. This free on-line course supports inclusive childcare
  • Improved the accessibility of six Employment Standards Branch offices (automatic door openers and desk height)
  • Improved the rights of people using a guide or service dog
  • Improved services offered to people on disability assistance for people who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  • Invested in over 100 new or upgraded accessible tourism facilities since 2020

Government and COVID-19

Since March 2020, government has helped people with disabilities stay informed, supported and connected during the pandemic. For example:

  • Provided temporary support for people on income and disability assistance
  • Supported the expanded use of online meeting technology
  • Worked with the BC Centre for Disease Control to create mental health resources for schools

B.C.’s Economic Plan: StrongerBC

Government released its economic plan in early 2022 to build an economy that works for all. The plan will help fill one million jobs over the next 10 years.

The plan will address two of the province’s biggest challenges – inequality and climate change. The plan will make sure people have the supports they need for more opportunities in their workplace and community.

One of the missions under the plan is Supporting People and Families. That means:

  • Investing in people and families to make life more accessibility and affordable
  • Delivering accessible services like health care and child care
  • Expanding accessible opportunities for education and training

A second mission, Building Resilient Communities, means:

  • Helping communities to create infrastructure that adapts to changes in the climate and the economy
  • Building affordable and accessible housing, schools and hospitals
  • Making sure every community in B.C. has access to high-speed internet

Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act Action Plan

  • In March 2022, government released B.C.’s five-year action plan to implement the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
    • This plan outlines the long-term vision to achieve the objectives of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  • The plan is the result of extensive consultation and cooperation with Indigenous peoples
  • One of the actions in the plan is to address barriers for Indigenous persons with disabilities
    • This is in line with the Accessible British Columbia Act

Other Government Plans and Strategies

Government has many plans that consider accessibility. These include:

  • StrongerBC, B.C.’s Economic Plan
  • Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act Action Plan
  • Together BC: B.C.’s Poverty Reduction Strategy
  • Where We All Belong: Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
  • CleanBC’s Active Transportation Strategy
  • A Pathway to Hope (Mental Health and Addictions Strategy)

Moving forward: our priorities for 2022/25

These are government’s priorities for accessibility over the next three years. In the spirit of ‘nothing about us without us’, government will work with people with disabilities and the Provincial Accessibility Committee.

Priority 1creating a culture of accessibility and inclusion

  • Apply a Gender Based Analysis plus (GBA+) lens
    • This is to make sure that government programs are working for people
  • Organize events to raise awareness on accessibility
  • Develop a “Being Accessible Strategy” to promote a culture of accessibility in the public service
  • Support accessibility leadership in the public service

Gender Equity Office

Gender equity is about removing barriers that stop people from reaching their full potential.

B.C. is a better place for everyone when everyoneregardless of their gender, race, class, sexual orientation or abilitycan reach their full potential.

The Gender Equity Office:

  • Ensures government’s budgets, policies, and programs reflect gender equality
  • Works with organizations concerned with gender equality and the advancement of women

Priority 2: information and communications

  • Increase the number of online services, for example, in the areas of justice and housing
  • Connect all remaining rural households in the province to high-speed internet by 2027
  • Update government websites to make them more accessible
  • Remove barriers to identity verification process of the BC services card
  • Make public information about BC Parks more accessible
  • Improve the public notices of local governments
  • Improve access to public libraries and make more books available in accessible formats
  • Make sure that emergency plans include the needs of people with disabilities
  • Improve accessibility for the online My Self Serve portal

Priority 3: buildings, infrastructure and public spaces

  • Continue to make courthouses more accessible
  • Help people with disabilities make their homes more accessible
  • Improve the accessibility of government spaces where possible
  • Improve accessibility in BC Parks’ front country parks
  • Include accessibility in procurement work
  • Include accessibility in grant applications for local governments and other organizations
  • Improve accessibility for BC Corrections’ buildings
  • Make sure mobility devices, like e-scooters, can be operated safely
  • Use the concept of universal design to build transportation systems

Priority 4: employment in the B.C. Public Service

  • Carry out our 3-year Diversity and Inclusion strategy
  • Help hiring managers and job seekers with accessibility and accommodation
  • Help employees with disabilities, for instance with the Work-Able Internship Program
  • Reach out to disability-service organizations to promote jobs within the B.C. Public Service
  • Review and update policy and procedures on accommodation

Priority 5: delivery of goods and services

  • Improve access to post-secondary education, for example with programs under StudentAid BC
  • Create family connections centres in early 2023 for children and youth with support needs
  • Improve the Specialized Homes and Support Services program for children and youth
  • Improve access to training and employment programs for people with disabilities
  • Provide better access to tourism training grants for students
  • Support people with disabilities working in B.C.’s creative economy (for example theatre, film, TV, music, the arts)
  • Increase access to funding for emerging B.C. filmmakers with disabilities
  • Provide funding for free sport and arts opportunities for students with disabilities
  • Promote B.C. as an inclusive and welcoming tourist destination for everyone
  • Promote the hiring of people with disabilities to address labour shortages in the tourism industry


Bringing the Accessible B.C. Act into law in 2021 shows our government’s commitment to accessibility. This document shows how government is working towards a truly inclusive and accessible B.C. over the next three years. As new priorities emerge, we will adapt.

We’re committed to support the full and equal participation of people with disabilities in their communities. Our government looks forward to engaging with you in the months and years ahead as we continue our work to build a barrier-free B.C.